Cardano SL (or Cardano Settlement Layer) is a cryptographic currency designed and developed by IOHK. Please read Cardano SL Introduction for more information.
Please see Cardano SL Installation for more information.
Please see this guide for more information.
Please see for more information.
Please see LICENSE for more information.
A fork of Cardano SL
Based on this guide
get repo
git clone
cd ./cardanolite-sl
git checkout master
Install NixOs curl | sh
append line to your shell profile (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) /home/jamyUser/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
To employ the signed IOHK binary cache:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/nix
sudo vi /etc/nix/nix.conf
add these lines there
binary-caches =
binary-cache-public-keys =
from cardanolite-sl/
with source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
nix-build -A cardano-sl-explorer-static --cores 0 --max-jobs 2 --no-build-output --out-link master
nix-build -A connectScripts.mainnetExplorer -o connect-explorer-to-mainnet
from cardanolite-sl/
with source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
run ./connect-explorer-to-mainnet
based on this guide
assume You have installed docker
pull this repo and run
docker build -t cardanolite-explorer .
inside of it
Before running Docker container hosting Cardano node it's important to define a volume on the host machine where to bind data : this means blockchain database and other data will be persisted on host environment and not inside the container itself. In case you need to stop/update or run again you container you won't loose you data. You need to create a folder somewhere on your environment and give access right to 'root' user.
sudo mkdir /data/cardano_docker_db
sudo chmod 777 /data/cardano_docker_db
To start docker container and run CardanoLite explorer node run the following command. Successful run should return you the id of the container.
docker run -d --name=cardanolite-explorer -v /data/cardano_docker_db:/home/cardano/cardano-sl/state-wallet-mainnet:Z -p cardanolite-explorer
Command arguments :
- -d : run container in background
- -name : define the name of the Docker container
- -p : port binding, bind the 3000 of the host to the port 8100 inside the container. Port 8100 is the default port that CardanoLite explorer. Be careful that desired port are available on the host environment
- -v : bind volume, this option allows to bind volume/folder from inside the container to a volume on the host enivornment. This way you can keep all data (blockchain db) out of the container, you can delete and restart container without loosing your data.
- janohreha/cardanolite-explorer:1.0.0 : docker image id in this example, you can use image's hash
To list running containers run docker ps -a
to start(resume)/stop container run these commands
docker start cardanolite-explorer
docker stop cardanolite-explorer
to remove Docker image run docker rmi imageHash
to remove Docker container run docker rm containerId
Connect to API (if you run container with this port binded
curl -k http://localhost:3000/api/txs/last