Cloud Storage Object with End to End Encryption.
Design and Implement a distributed cloud storage. Similar to Google drive, where user can store and retrieve any Objects.
- One Web Server
- Config File
{ "storage_directory":"\home\<username>\uploads", "node_count":4, "size_per_slice":1024, "redundancy_count":1, "peers":[ "", "", "", "" ] }
- Store an incoming file and return the ID of the resource
- PUT: http://localhost:5000/files
- Download the file for a given
- GET: http://localhost:5000/files/{id}
- List the files stored in the server
- GET: http://localhost:5000/files/list
- Delete the file for a given
- DELETE: http://localhost:5000/files/{id}
How to run:
$ python3
After that go to POSTMAN and execute the commands
Goal: Basic API Implementation
- Ability to Upload a file to the server
- Download the file
- List all the files on the server
- Delete a file
Goal: Encryption + Load Balancing
- Uploaded file must be broken down in to chunks as mentioned on the config
- Nodes ( folders ) must be created as per the node count on config
- Nodes must be named as node_ Eg. node_1
- File chunks must be moved to the nodes with API Server uploads load balancing. Node with the least number of files must be filled first
- Metadata file(s) must be created to save information on the file chunks and their location