Apache log parser
Apache log parser is a service through which one can parse and analyze the Apache log files. This is based upon apachelogs python library. Also, used dataframe and tabulate for genearting reports.
Installation and Dependencies
The script will require python 3 to be installed with some dependent libraries to be installed using pip python3 -m pip install pandas python3 -m pip install tabulate python3 -m pip install apachelogs
To execute the script run the below command
python ./logparser.py filepath/filename
After that the user will be asked to choose from the given options to generate the report or data.
This program is to analyze the log files generated by apache server. Please choose: 1 - for Top 10 requested pages and the number of requests made for each. 2 - for Percentage of successful requests (anything in the 200s and 300s range). 3 - for Percentage of unsuccessful requests (anything that is not in the 200s or 300s range). 4 - for Top 10 unsuccessful page requests. 5 - for Top 10 hosts making the most requests, displaying the IP address and number of requests made. Enter your option: