This is a Modx baseline package, so basically what I use to get started with on my projects. If anybody is offended by me repackaging any of their code here then please let me know and I will remove it.
##Cheatsheet Probably the most useful part and what I will be adding to most is found at includes/cheatsheet.html It's basically a collection of commonly used code snippets. Like sample wayfinder and getresource calls.
##User accounts
User: admin
Pass: adminadmin
###Content editor
User: editor
Pass: editoreditor
Full access to resources but not much more
Change passwords and email addresses!
##Installed packages/snippets
- Formit
- Gallery
- getResourceField
- getResources
- include
- phpThumbOf
- TinyMCE
- Wayfinder
- languageConfig - custom snippet for outputting a template variable from the ultimate parent resource. See the installed snippet for more details.
##Media sources
For include files like chunks and templates
Content images:
For the images that will be uploaded via the rich text editor (default_media_source is set to this in system settings)
##TinyMCE Set as default editor and edit css option removed
More to come....