Solr module, very basic. Only tested on CentOS7 / RedHat7.
It downloads the version defined in hiera from, installs Solr following the offcial docu here and starts Solr as a init.d Service.
For more info on design decisions check the blog I wrote about this module.
This module expects Java to be present on the system e.g. 'puppetlabs-java'. The default solr version was tested with Oracle Java 1.8.
The minimal code to make it run is simply:
include solr
It uses all the default values from hiera at data/common.yaml If you need to change those, create your own hiera file and override those values.
Check the hiera file at data/common.yaml for all possible inputs The only tricky param is maybe solr::zk_hosts, you need to actually have Zookeeper running, for it to make sense, e.g.:
# deric/puppet-zookeeper #
# #
class { 'zookeeper':
install_method => 'archive',
archive_dl_site => '',
archive_version => '3.4.13',
service_provider => 'systemd',
manage_service_file => true,