A personal budget tracker app with passport local authorization. Add bills and multiple sources of income. See how your expenses break down daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
Client: JavaScript, EJS, TailwindCSS
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB
Dependencies: bcrypt, connect-mongo, dotenv, ejs, express, express-flash, express-session, mongodb, mongoose, morgan, nodemon, passport, passport-local, validator
- Secure login with Passport Auth
- Add expenses and multiple sources of income
- Sort expenses by name, category, or cost
- See how expenses break down on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis
- Responsive for desktop & mobile
Install with npm
npm install bcrypt connect-mongo dotenv ejs express express-flash express-session mongodb mongoose morgan nodemon passport passport-local validator
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env
PORT = <port>
(can be any port, ex: 3000)
DB_STRING = <your MongoDB uri>
- User can select custom frequency for expenses and income streams (every x number of weeks/months)
- Made table data sortable
- Added Mongoose virtuals to calculate daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly cost of each expense without having to store all that data in the database
- Added soft delete so expenses aren't automatically purged from database in case user needs to restore data
Planned Features & Improvements:
- Calcuate user's remaining funds
- Add budgeting and saving tips
- Add confirmation popups for deleting expenses, income, and account
Mailroom | Pictogram | myPetPal |
Repo | Repo | Repo |