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tcuk edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

Classes in the Minq.Linq namespace provide an API very similar in format to Microsoft's LINQ to XML.

Querying Sitecore

At the heart of LINQ to Sitecore is the SContext class which can be used as the route in to querying Sitecore:

var context = container.Resolve<SContext>();

We can then get items based on their GUID or path:

var item = context.Item("GUID or path");

Items are really easy to query (this query gets a flattened list of all descendants based on a specific template):

var items = item.Descendants()
   .Where(d => d.Template.IsBasedOn("template GUID"));

Getting the item associated with the current request

A special request class handles information associated with the current HTTP request:

var request = container.Resolve<SRequest>();

Get the item associated with the current request:

var item = request.Item;