Release 5.12.2
Bug fixes
- Added newer grant forms to Feature Switches for grants
- Omit “children,” “children’s,” and “childrens” as institutions when searching PubMed. Also cut out parentheses since these throw off PubMed
- Old convention of filling promotion_department with 999999 avoided by putting a new department directly in the field
- Better error handling on Email Management’s makeMessages routine
- A different way of computing the starting record on the Pub/Patent Wrangler
- Better wording for bulk imports
- Made omitted citations the same as excluded citations
- (MAJOR) rewrote data dictionary merge
- Throw error in Email Cron if no date/time is set
- Made more complex Links::makeMailtoLink() function
- Scholar Portal improvements - Your Info
- Improved text on error email for over 2,000 PMIDs
- Show omitted publications on Publications Wrangler
- REDCapManagement::getAllGrantFieldsFromFieldlist()
- REDCapManagement::padInteger and refactoring of REDCapManagement::pretty
- (Vanderbilt only) prefer LDAP userid to prior userid field
- Easy entry into Configure Application via the Celebrations Email
- More explicit text about supplying a date/time on the Configure an Email page and a placeholder in the text
- Optimized downloads for surveys
- Refactored code for surveys