released this
25 Feb 20:23
More Debugging information.
Add Special for Month Number of Publication.
Add maximum download file size.
Added CSRF Token For Modifying Photo in Scholar Portal (Bug Fix).
Bug fix for downloading Icite referencing field.
Added middle name filtering for NIH reporter.
Allow users to email delegate for tables 2-4 when scholar doesn't have email (Bug Fix).
Fixed broken link for default csv's in Upload Table.
Removed loookup for Newman Society (Vanderbilt Only).
Changed CSV Import to be case insensitive on fields.
Added new developer to config.json.
Added NoAuth Files for CSV Downloads.
Bug fix for configuring new honors and awards.
Turned off IES Download.
Avoid double counting surveys and people on survey response table.
Moved a few links for movies (Bug Fix)
Removed ExcelToFT Link.
Psalm Security Scan Fixes.
Added field notes for grant end dates.
Filter out Descriptive fields when copying project to new server. (Bug Fix)
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