"type": "vcs",
"url": "git://github.com/vas3a/AjaxAuthenticationBundle.git"
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Smth\AjaxAuthBundle\AjaxAuthBundle(),
Import the redirect.xml
routing file in your own routing file.
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@AjaxAuthBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /connect
To prevent strange issues, this route should be imported before your custom ones.
Add the following parameters to your security.yml or config.yml:
// app/security.yml
default_redirect_path : _default # where to redirect after login
always_use_default_path : false
user_registration_handler : registration.handler # see explanation bellow
You need to define a registration handler, which will be called when a user tries to connect with Gacebook or GooglePlus.
First, add a service in your services.yml:
// YourBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
registration.handler.class: Namespace\YourBundle\Authentication\UserRegistrationHandler
class: "%registration.handler.class%"
parent: ajax_auth.user_registration.handler
Then, define your handler:
// YourBundle/Authentication/UserRegisterHandler.php
use Smth\AjaxAuthBundle\Security\Authentication\UserRegistrationHandler;
class UserRegisterHandler extends UserRegistrationHandler
* $publicUser - user received from Facebook/Google
public function handleUser($publicUser){
* handle the user:
* register or authenticate him (
* use
* $this->authenticateUser(UserInterface $user);
* or
* %this->authenticationFailed(string $errorMessage);
* )
In your twig template, use:
{{ AjaxAuthScript({'facebook':'your_facebook_app_id', 'google':'your_google_app_id'}) }}
** If you don't want to use either of the applications, simply don't provide an app_id
** Your login form should have the following proprieties:
- id: #ajax-login
- username input's name: _username
- password input's name: _password
- facebook button id: #ajax-fb-btn
- google button id: #ajax-g-btn
Implement remember me service