This repository holds a C implementation of the Identity-Based Matchmaking Encryption scheme by Ateniese et al: "Match Me if You Can: Matchmaking Encryption and its Applications".
The provided library is a transposition of the PoC Python implementation of IB-ME scheme described in the latter paper and available here:
This library was developed for prototyping only. It was not extensively tested and it can not be considered secure. Do not use it as part of a production setup.
The IB-ME library is built with CMake and depends on the PBC and OpenSSL libraries.
cmake .
After building the project you can run the demonstration:
cd demo
After building the project you can run the benchmark program:
cd benchmark
./benchmark -o <operation> -r <number of repetitions>
The benchmark program supports the following operations:
- setup
- sk_gen
- rk_gen
- enc
- dec