- Boca Raton, Florida
- http://www.budilov.com
- https://www.youtube.com/VladimirBudilov
reactjs-cognito-starter Public template
Starter project for ReactJS + Amazon Cognito + Amazon Amplify Framework with AWS CDK support
nextplate Public template
Forked from zeon-studio/nextplateNextplate is a free starter template built with Next.js and TailwindCSS. It provides you with almost everything you need to jump-start your Next.js project. Try Nextplate and save yourself hours of…
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 20, 2023 -
Process fin docs with Amazon Textract
react-native-starter Public template
A sample React Native app with fully-functioning AWS Cognito functionality (without Expo)
react-native-cognito Public template
A sample React Native app with fully-functioning AWS Cognito functionality
dynamodb-to-slack Public
Propagate dynamoDB data to slack as it's added
fargate-cdk-webservice Public
This project (or set of projects) demonstrates the use of AWS CDK to provision an Amazon Fargate service with all of the peripheral services that are required (Application Load Balancer, ECR, SSM, …
cognito-to-dynamodb-lambda Public template
Copy newly-confirmed users from Cognito to DynamoDB
jetpack-compose-starter Public template
A starter project to showcase the JetPack Compose framework with authentication functionality (Amazon Cognito)
spark-rest-service Public template
cognito-autoconfirm-user Public template
Auto-confirm a registered user
Get additional insights from your data by running it through Amazon Comprehend
ionic-app-with-aws-cognito Public
Angular 4, Ionic 3, and AWS (Amazon) Cognito User Pools. Authentication out of the box.
Integrate "contact-us" functionality on single-page and static websites