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039 Automated backup system in JCB
00:00:00 (Click on these time links to see Youtube video)
This is a demonstration of the new automated backup feature that has been added to JCB. It is part of an extension which is called the API which gives the option of querying JCB via a URL, to perform certain functions. First would be to generate a backup. We are not exactly sure what kind of features should be added to this API. A discussion about this had been opened on GitHub. 00:00:42 For more info: My email address is behind this link(See video). Check the features that we want to add to the API. Currently, the first one is the backup feature.
JCB already has in its component area an export component feature, which we extended to automate. It has been left as a button called 'Backup'. It is the same feature except it can manually be triggered. It can either be triggered by a 'CronJob' or being triggered by Backup button.00:01:36 What the backup feature does, it takes all your components and export them, encrypt them and store them on a local folder, and then emails the key to a trusted email address which you have set up. 00:01:58 The components that are in trash will not be part of this Backup. Only components that are published or unpublished or archived, will be in the Backup, everything else will be ignored. Basically, when the Backup runs either manually or automated via a 'CronJob', 00:02:26 it will take those components, use the specific keys as it would with the exporting of that components, then encrypt and store them in that folder.
There are some things that need to be set up for all this to function as expected. First, of these are in the options area of JCB. There are some new features. Open that. There is a 'Mail Configuration', 'DKIM' and a 'CronJob' tab added and also this field called API user.
The API user will primarily be used for the ID that is used in the permission structure. When you are in the components area and trigger this feature manually, it uses this current 'Login user', to determine whether the components have been encrypted and backed up, whether he has the permission to do that. 00:03:44 As the permission structure of JCB is expanded, you might end up having components, that certain individuals who are in certain groups, may not have access to. There might be components and fields and views that they may have access to or some that may not have access to. We are laying some of the foundations to make sure that there is not some loophole where either by triggering a batch update or an export of components or backup. 00:04:17 They can not extrude certain components which they by default do not have access to. This is just to explain why an API user is still needed. A user is still necessary, which; if it has automated the backup, that this user ID allows him to make the backup. So that means the API user should be a user which has the permission to all the components fields and everything in the JCB component. 00:04:52 It is secure because the component gets compiled and stored locally. We might consider adding the option to push the component back up to an FTP server, but that part is not fully functional yet.00:05:14 Proposals have been made to do that, so that the backup should not be on the same system, but that it is secured on another system in case of a collapse. 00:05:41 A FTP option will be added as well, which will work similarly as your components when a component is compiled it gets sent off to a sale server. That is the same features that we will make use of.
In the 'CronJob' tab, is some basic instructions for those who are familiar with CronJobs and if not, Google around, find some tutorials, read up, make sure that you are able to set up a CronJob. 00:06:40 There are various ways to trigger this URL. The system currently detects whether your system can run 'curl' request and if not, it will fall back on the 'weget' option. Assuming that JCB is installed in an environment that allows these two functions to work and if not, simply take the URL, and run it in a CronJob in a manner that is applicable to your system. 00:07:16 This URL triggers the backup to start. When the backup is finished, it gives the same message that you will get if you run the backup by clicking 'Backup' (See video). There is a green message that pops up, indicates: 'Yes the backup was done and the email was sent'. 00:07:42 Those are the only messages that get returned on this URL. Currently, that response gets thrown away. It may be added to a log, depending on how regularly this 'CronJobs' is running. Currently, there is not any date. 00:08:06 It might make sense for us to add a date. In case you run into a firewall, Joomla website has a firewall installed like RS firewall, then it is necessary to adapt the 'curl' request to behave like a real browser. This post on https://stackoverflow.com may be of some help.
Currently the 'Cronjob Backup Folder Path' is set here(See video). It currently backups to a local folder. As mentioned previously an FTP option is going to be added here. Joomla does not by default encrypt fields in the Global Configuration of the component.
Currently, it stores it into a local folder, and it Emails the backup key to the email address that has been set in here(See Video). Make sure that email address is secure and that it is safe because the keys are being sent to it.
Here is a naming structure for your file by default. It adds only up till the day, so it will make backups all through the day, but overwrite the file every time unless you add an hour, then it will only per hour overwrite it. If a minute is added, it will never overwrite it, because it will be a different minute every time. That is to rename the package and to see how much of the backups you want to keep.
In the mail configuration area, it may be seen that it is currently set to use the Global Mail Configuration which is the Joomla default. NB. Use a very secure method of sending the emails. Either SMTP overwriting the SMTP settings. If the Global ones are used, then overwrite or insure that the Global Email settings in Joomla are also using SMTP that runs through an SSL, and that it is secure.
The DKIM is also an added feature which can increase trust and security of your emails.
Then there are the Company details, which at this stage is important to add since it will also become part of the backup package. We will look at that again when we restore a backup to show you where this information comes up. 00:11:28 That is some of the settings that first need to be set within the Global Configuration(See video). Once it is set, Company settings, CronJob settings, Local path, the Email, the Name, and the API user, you can save and close this area and then look at a component to see this feature in action. 00:11:54 Since this is a default JCB install, there is only one component; The Demo Component.
Usually, the Demo Component does not have an encryption key. Open it(See video). It had been set on a previous occasion. Set an Export key in at least one of the components that will be part of the backup. If anyone of the components that are being backup has an Export key, it will encrypt all the components with that Export key. If multiple ones have an Export key, it will combine those keys to be used as the encryption key. 00:12:47 It hashes those keys so the actual key is not what is being used. The actual key that is being used is the one that will be emailed to that trusted email address. Save and close the Demo Component.
Run a manual backup. As explained before it is similar to the CronJob except that it is triggered by using the Backup button. It will indicate: 'The backup has been done successfully'. 00:13:36 The owner details were set. If for some reason you forget to set the owner details in the options area, it will show: 'The email with the new key was sent'. To make sure that the backup works, check the folder in which you had set the backup to be placed. Check whether the backup is there, and also check the email address and see if they had received the key. 00:14:06 As expected the backup is in the folder. If the backups been done, double click into the backup, and make sure that it has all the expected files. If you have a lot of custom files 00:14:38 that has been added into the component, there will also be an extra custom folder in the Zip Document and not only in Image one. Test this backup by importing it. But first, check if the email has been received. It can be seen that it had sent the email as expected, with the corresponding key. Use this key to test the backup. 00:15:08 Be sure that it sends the key to a secure Email Address, and that the email that sends the Email from Joomla is using a secure SSL by SMPT.
A backup will only make sense if data is lost. For example: Take the Demo Component and trash it and empty the trash. 00:16:10 Click on Import Components and browse the Directory, where that component was backed up. Click on the Directory tab. There is the components path to the backup package. Click 'Get File'. Then take that key that was sent via the email, and force the update, and add that key. Click continue.
What is shown here needs first to be explained(Package owner detail). As mentioned before the Package Data of the owner is displayed here, and the Package Details is being displayed here(Component Being Imported). If you have more than one component backed up, all of those components will show here on the 'Components Being Imported'. Here you will see the Package Owner Details, and get the key from this link here(Testing Company). 00:17:17
Repeat this import and click continue. The component had been restored. The purposes of the backup are that when something goes wrong you can come back to where it was when the backup was made. 00:17:40 It can be tested with a backup if it has been successfully restored by going to the compiler, and select the component. Click compile. As may be seen it has been completely built. We can now click on install the Demo Component, and then open the Demo Component, and see that everything is working. 00:18:18 When a new 'Look' is added, all the various fields as it is usually available in the Demo Component may be seen. That is Automated Settings for JCB, how to set them up and make use of them.
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