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Warren Gay edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 9 revisions


    write_func_t writeb,
    read_func_t readb,
    poll_func_t rpoll,
    idle_func_t idle

The constructor requires four callbacks, which perform the following functions:

  1. Write one byte to UART (write_func_t)
  2. Read one byte from UART (read_func_t)
  3. Return true if there is a byte to be read from UART (poll_func_t)
  4. Idle callback when there is nothing to do (idle_func_t)



Currently, the destructor is simply a placeholder.

void clear()

void ESP8266::clear()

This method clears the object in the same way as the constructor (the constructor invokes it), except that the constructor callbacks are retained. This can be used after a hardware reset has been initiated and prior to calling ESP8266::wait_reset().

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