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completes exercises1 and 2 and starts working on 3
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vedaldi committed Dec 7, 2014
0 parents commit bb79ee4
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,199 additions and 0 deletions.
494 changes: 494 additions & 0 deletions doc/instructions.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

394 changes: 394 additions & 0 deletions doc/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions edgecnn.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
function res = edgecnn(x, w, b, dzdy)
% EDGECNN A very simple CNN to detect edges in an image

pad1 = ([size(w,1) size(w,1) size(w,2) size(w,2)] - 1) / 2 ;
rho3 = 5 ;
pad3 = (rho3 - 1) / 2 ;

res.x1 = x ;
res.x2 = vl_nnconv(res.x1, w, b, 'pad', pad1) ;
res.x3 = abs(res.x2) ;
res.x4 = vl_nnpool(res.x3, rho3, 'pad', pad3) ;

if nargin > 3
res.dzdx4 = dzdy ;
res.dzdx3 = vl_nnpool(res.x3, rho3, res.dzdx4, 'pad', pad3) ;
res.dzdx2 = res.dzdx3 .* sign(res.x2) ;
[res.dzdx1, res.dzdw, res.dzdb] = ...
vl_nnconv(res.x1, w, b, res.dzdx2, 'pad', pad1) ;
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions exercise1.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
setup ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Part 1.1: Linear convolution
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Read an example image
x = imread('peppers.png') ;

% Convert to single format
x = im2single(x) ;

% Visualize the input x
figure(1) ; clf ; imagesc(x) ;

% Create a bank of linear filters
w = randn(5,5,3,10,'single') ;

% Apply the convolutional operator
y = vl_nnconv(x, w, []) ;

% Visualize the output y
figure(2) ; clf ; vl_imarraysc(y) ; colormap gray ;

% Try again, downsampling the output
y_ds = vl_nnconv(x, w, [], 'stride', 16) ;
figure(3) ; clf ; vl_imarraysc(y_ds) ; colormap gray ;

% Try padding
y_pad = vl_nnconv(x, w, [], 'pad', 4) ;
figure(4) ; clf ; vl_imarraysc(y_pad) ; colormap gray ;

% Manually design a filter
w = [0 1 0 ;
1 -4 1 ;
0 1 0 ] ;
w = single(repmat(w, [1, 1, 3])) ;
y_lap = vl_nnconv(x, w, []) ;
figure(5) ; clf ; colormap gray ;
subplot(1,2,1) ; imagesc(y_lap) ; title('filter output') ;
subplot(1,2,2) ; imagesc(-abs(y_lap)) ; title('- abs(filter output)') ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Part 1.2: Non-linear gating (ReLU)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

w = single(repmat([1 0 -1], [1, 1, 3])) ;
w = cat(4, w, -w) ;
y = vl_nnconv(x, w, []) ;
z = vl_nnrelu(y) ;

figure(6) ; clf ; colormap gray ;
subplot(1,2,1) ; vl_imarraysc(y) ;
subplot(1,2,2) ; vl_imarraysc(z) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Part 1.2: Pooling
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

y = vl_nnpool(x, 15) ;
figure(7) ; clf ; imagesc(y) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Part 1.3: Normalization
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

rho = 5 ;
kappa = 0 ;
alpha = 1 ;
beta = 0.5 ;
y_nrm = vl_nnnormalize(x, [rho kappa alpha beta]) ;
figure(8) ; clf ; imagesc(y_nrm) ;
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions exercise2.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
setup ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Part 2.1: Linear convolution derivatives
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Read an example image
x = im2single(imread('peppers.png')) ;

% Create a bank of linear filters and apply them to the image
w = randn(5,5,3,10,'single') ;
y = vl_nnconv(x, w, []) ;

% Create the derivative dz/dy
dzdy = randn(size(y), 'single') ;

% Back-propagation
[dzdx, dzdw] = vl_nnconv(x, w, [], dzdy) ;

% Check the derivative numerically
ex = randn(size(x), 'single') ;
eta = 0.0001 ;
xp = x + eta * ex ;
yp = vl_nnconv(xp, w, []) ;

dzdx_empirical = sum(dzdy(:) .* (yp(:) - y(:)) / eta) ;
dzdx_computed = sum(dzdx(:) .* ex(:)) ;

'der: empirical: %f, computed: %f, error: %.2f %%\n', ...
dzdx_empirical, dzdx_computed, ...
abs(1 - dzdx_empirical/dzdx_computed)*100) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Part 2.2: Back-propagation
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Parameters of the CNN
w1 = randn(5,5,3,10,'single') ;
rho2 = 10 ;

% Run the CNN forward
x1 = im2single(imread('peppers.png')) ;
x2 = vl_nnconv(x1, w1, []) ;
x3 = vl_nnpool(x2, rho2) ;

% Create the derivative dz/dx3
dzdx3 = randn(size(x3), 'single') ;

% Run the CNN backward
dzdx2 = vl_nnpool(x2, rho2, dzdx3) ;
[dzdx1, dzdw1] = vl_nnconv(x1, w1, [], dzdx2) ;

% Check the derivative numerically
ew1 = randn(size(w1), 'single') ;
eta = 0.0001 ;
w1p = w1 + eta * ew1 ;

x1p = x1 ;
x2p = vl_nnconv(x1p, w1p, []) ;
x3p = vl_nnpool(x2p, rho2) ;

dzdw1_empirical = sum(dzdx3(:) .* (x3p(:) - x3(:)) / eta) ;
dzdw1_computed = sum(dzdw1(:) .* ew1(:)) ;

'der: empirical: %f, computed: %f, error: %.2f %%\n', ...
dzdw1_empirical, dzdw1_computed, ...
abs(1 - dzdw1_empirical/dzdw1_computed)*100) ;
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions exercise3.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Part 3: Learning a simple CNN
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

setup ;

% Load an image and compute its edge map
im = im2single(imread('peppers.png')) ;
[edges,fill] = extractImageEdges(im) ;
figure(1) ; clf ; colormap gray ;
subplot(1,3,1) ; imagesc(im) ; axis equal ;
subplot(1,3,2) ; imagesc(edges) ; axis equal ;
subplot(1,3,3) ; imagesc(fill) ; axis equal ;

% Initialize the network
w = randn(3, 3, 3, 'single') ;
b = single(1) ;
dzdw_momentum = zeros('like', w) ;
dzdb_momentum = zeros('like', b) ;

% SGD parameters
T = 500 ;
eta = 0.005 ;
momentum = 0.9 ;
energy = zeros(1, T) ;
y = zeros(size(edges),'single') ;
y(edges) = +1 ;
y(fill) = -1 ;

% SGD with momentum
for t = 1:T
% Forward pass
res = edgecnn(im, w, b) ;

% Loss
z = y .* res.x4 ;
E(t) = mean(max(0, 1 - z(:))) ;
dzdx4 = - y .* (z < 1) / numel(z) ;

% Backward pass
res = edgecnn(im, w, b, dzdx4) ;

% Gradient step
dzdw_momentum = momentum * dzdw_momentum + res.dzdw ;
dzdb_momentum = momentum * dzdb_momentum + res.dzdb ;
w = w - eta * dzdw_momentum ;
b = b - eta * dzdb_momentum ;

% Plots
if mod(t-1, 20) == 0
figure(2) ; clf ; colormap gray ;
subplot(2,2,1) ; imagesc(res.x4) ; axis equal ; title('network output') ;
subplot(2,2,2) ; plot(1:t, E(1:t)) ; grid on ; title('objective') ;
subplot(2,2,3) ; vl_imarraysc(w) ; title('filter slices') ; axis equal ;
subplot(2,2,4) ; imagesc(res.x2) ; title('first layer output') ; axis equal ;
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions extra/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
name = practical-cnn-2015a
DST = [email protected]:WWW/share
DSTDOC = [email protected]:WWW/practicals/cnn

.PHONY: prepack, pack, pack-data, pack-code, post, clean, distclean

pack-all: pack-data pack-code pack

exercise1.m \
exercise2.m \
exercise3.m \
vlfeat \

doc/images \


code:=$(addprefix $(CURDIR)/,$(code))
data:=$(addprefix $(CURDIR)/,$(data))
deps:=$(shell find $(code) $(doc) $(data) -type f | sed "s/ /\\\\ /g")

pack: data/$(name).tar.gz
pack-data: data/$(name)-data-only.tar.gz
pack-code: data/$(name)-code-only.tar.gz

data/$(name).tar.gz: $(deps)
rm -rf data/$(name)
mkdir -p data/$(name)/{doc,data}
ln -sf $(data) data/$(name)/data/
ln -sf $(doc) data/$(name)/doc/
ln -sf $(code) data/$(name)/
tar -C data -czvhf data/$(name).tar.gz $(name)/

data/$(name)-data-only.tar.gz: $(deps)
rm -rf data/$(name)
mkdir -p data/$(name)/{doc,data}
ln -sf $(data) data/$(name)/
tar -C data -czvhf data/$(name)-data-only.tar.gz $(name)/

data/$(name)-code-only.tar.gz: $(deps)
rm -rf data/$(name)
mkdir -p data/$(name)/{doc,data}
ln -sf $(doc) data/$(name)/doc/
ln -sf $(code) data/$(name)/
tar -C data -czvhf data/$(name)-code-only.tar.gz $(name)/

rsync -rvt doc/images $(DSTDOC)/
rsync -vt doc/instructions.html $(DSTDOC)/index.html

post: pack-all
rsync -vt data/$(name).tar.gz $(DST)/
rsync -vt data/$(name)-data-only.tar.gz $(DST)/
rsync -vt data/$(name)-code-only.tar.gz $(DST)/

find . -name '*~' -delete

distclean: clean
rm -f data/$(name)*.tar.gz
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions extra/prepareLabData.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Download VLFeat
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

if ~exist('vlfeat', 'dir')
from = '' ;
fprintf('Downloading vlfeat from %s\n', from) ;
untar(from, 'data') ;
movefile('data/vlfeat-0.9.18', 'vlfeat') ;

setup ;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions extractImageEdges.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
function [edges, fill] = extractImageEdges(im)
edges = edge(rgb2gray(im),'canny') ;
fill = ~imdilate(edges, strel('disk', 5, 0)) ;
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions setup.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

run matconvnet/matlab/vl_setupnn ;
vl_nnconv(single(1),single(1),[]) ;
warning('VL_NNCONV() does not seem to be compiled. Trying to compile now.') ;
vl_compilenn2('enableGpu', false, 'verbose', true) ;

run vlfeat/toolbox/vl_setup ;

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