Monica is a facebook messenger bot which uses Natural language processing and machine learning intelligence to search restaurants based on user inputs like location and cuisine with the of Zomato Api.
The bot is live on :
To chat with the bot you should be added as a test user. Goto the Bot monica facebook page here and comment to be a test user
You can now test the bot using queries like
- Search for chinese restaurants in Banglore under 1000 Rs
- I'm Hungry
- Is there any place to eat in guwahati? The bot not only supports restaurant searching but can also hold natural conversations like
- Hey!
- What's up?
- Where are you from?
- Do you have friends?
- Tell me a joke?
- Fact?
- Tell a quote
$ git clone \\clone the repo
$ cd Monica/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt \\Install all the dependencies
$ python \\Start the server
goto<<Your query>>/
to see the results of your query
Star the repo if you like it 😄