An open source clone of the Flipkart website written in Node.Js and using a MongoDb NoSql Database for storage.
A working demo of the website is deployed on heroku and is available here.
First install Node.Js and Mongodb then,
- Clone the repository
$ git clone && cd flipklone
- Install the dependencies
$ npm install
- Seed the database with fake data
$ node seed/Seeder.js
- Start the server
$ npm start
- Visit http://localhost:3000/ to view the website
- User Authentication
- Saving cart and user in Session
- Stripe for Card payments
- CSRF Protection
- Better User Interface
- Ajax calls
- Direct checkout provision
- Provision for different modes of Payment
- Provision for posting Products and becoming seller
- Review and rating system for each product
- Product Searching
- Product category and filtering options
- Develop REST API
- Recommendation Engine