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The Vega editor is a web application for authoring and testing Vega and Vega-Lite visualizations. It includes a number of example specifications that showcase both the visual encodings and interaction techniques. It is deployed at

We integrated a back-end service at which lets a user log in through GitHub so that they can access his/her personal gists. The code for the backend is at

Editor is stuck

You can reset the Vega Editor by going to and clicking the reset button. This will reset the saved editor state.

Usage Instructions

Run Vega-Editor With Docker

sudo docker run -it --rm -p 1234:1234 node:21 bash -xc 'mkdir -p vega/editor && git clone --depth=1 vega/editor && cd vega/editor && npm install && npm start'

Development Setup

We assume you have Node.js and npm, bash, curl, and tar installed.

Your working copy of this git repository must be located at least two levels below the system root /. E.g. /home/user/editor or /vega/editor, but not /editor.

Inside your working copy ...

  1. Install the dependencies:
    $ npm install

  2. Launch the local web server:
    $ npm start

  3. The local web server will be accessible via http://localhost:1234.

Local Testing & Debugging

The editor is useful for testing if you are involved in Vega and Vega-Lite development. To use Vega, Vega-Lite, or Vega Datasets from another directory on your computer, you need to link it. For this, run npm link in the directory of the library that you want to link. Then, in this directory run npm link <name of library>, e.g. npm link vega or npm link vega-lite.

For example, to link Vega, run

npm link

npm link

npm link vega
npm link vega-lite

The Vega editor supports React Developer Tools and Redux DevTools.

Building preview images

Build images with npm run generate-example-images.

Contributing guidelines

We welcome contributions and promptly review pull requests. For instructions about how to contribute, please follow the Vega-Lite contributing guidelines.

Creating a release on gh-pages

Run the publish action at