I'm a huge fan of anything other than powerpoint. Actually, I've written about my theory that PowerPoint is killing our creativity. Any Medium that is not PowerPoint gathers a lot more attention. Why do you ask? Well for starters it is different. Different is good when you are trying to grab the attention of your audience.
I discovered WebSlides on Medium and HackerNews almost simultaneously. It is a new HTML presentation framework which is visually awesome! Check out the Webslides GitHub page for all the details.
This is something I will be using going forward so it was a logical step to containerize it. The base image of this project is the Official Alpine NGINX image.
The entire project is installed in the NGINX working directory /usr/share/nginx/html
If you are interested just in kicking the webslides tires run the following command:
docker run --name webslides -d -p 8080:80 vegasbrianc/webslides
Once the container is running navigate to This will take you to the webslides demo. Press the down arrow key to navigate through the slides.
If you want to use Webslides for a presentation then clone the project to you Docker host machine git clone
Attach the local slides to the container.
docker run --name webslides -d -p 8080:80 -v webslides:/usr/share/nginx/html vegasbrianc/webslides
Now you will be able to edit the slides locally.