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🦔 vxl-parser

rust elixir javascript

minimum rustc version


  • Purpose: VXL parser library
  • Technologies: Rust with nom


This library started off as a fork of

Vektor Execution Language (VXL) is a chain-agnostic highly flexible grammar to interact with smart contracts and blockchains.

The vxl-parser project is responsible for:

  • Converting a string input into objects e.g. Function, Argument, Optional Argument.
  • Validating the input is syntactically correct.
  • Having some light domain knowledge such as addresses start with 0x.

It is not responsible for aspects such as:

  • Knowing about assets in the crypto ecosystem.
  • Determing if a command can work across 2 blockchains.
  • Knowing if a user has enough funds to execute a command.


Name Purpose Install Version
Rust Rust toolchain curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh rustc 1.49.0, rustup 1.23.1
wasm-pack WASM builder cargo install wasm-pack 0.10.0

Getting Started

  1. Build the workspace with cargo build

Repo Structure

  • /core - parsing library
  • /cli - CLI app e.g. cat test.vxl | ./vxl
  • /js - JavaScript WASM library
  • /elixir - Elixir NIF library

Building crates

CLI app

cargo build


wasm-pack build --dev --scope vektor js


The compilation and loading is handled by mix at build or runtime.


Rust Libraries and Binaries

cargo test

JavaScript Binding

Browser testing

Omit --headless to test interactively

wasm-pack test --chrome --safari --firefox --headless js

Node testing

wasm-pack test --node js


cargo bench

Known issues

vxl-parser WASM module packing process

Currently, we compile and package the vxl-parser using wasm-pack which works but has some brittle steps that could be improved.

We rename the package in the outputted package.json during a publish step (for convenience sake but not necessarily required).

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