This Terraform module runs your Ansible playbook on your remote machine. If you provide the galaxy_role_file variable it also runs the Ansible Galaxy command to download and install your dependency roles.
This Terraform module needs Ansible installed on your local machine, the machine where you are running the terraform apply command.
Ansible does not need to be installed in the remote machines, it simply connects to them via SSH for Linux and Unix hosts and Windows Remote Management (WinRM) for Windows hosts.
module "ansible-playbook" {
source = ""
# insert the required variables here - see file for required and optional variables.
playbook = "./ansible/playbook.yml" # Your playbook file (full path)
galaxy_role_file = "./ansible/requirements.txt" # Your ansible galaxy requirements file (full path)
galaxy_roles_path = "./ansible/roles" # The path to the directory where Ansible Galaxy roles must be installed (full path)
private_key = "./ssh_keys/id_rsa" # Your ssh private key to access the remote machines (full path)
remote_host = "aws_instance.<your-server-name>.public_ip" # The ip address of the remote machine
remote_user_name = "ubuntu" # The user name to access the remote machine
extra_vars = "'var_1=\"some value\" var_2=8080'" # Pass additional variables to the playbook
vault_pass_file = "./ansible/pass.txt" # The path of a file containing the password used by Ansible Vault (full path)
trigger = aws_instance.<your-server-name>.id