Round 1 - Qualifier Date - Dec-31-2022
- 20Z205 - Aditya Varma
- 20Z209 - Ashwin Kumar T G
- 20Z222 - Jeyam Palaniappan D
- 20Z247 - Sashti Amar R A
- 20Z256 - Suvan Sathyendira B
Installs all the dependencies for the project, mentioned in the package.json file.
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser, by default.
The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console.
It is advised for the developer to allocate an individual terminal to run this script. It watches for tailwind.config.js file changes, classnames added in .html/.js/.jsx files and recompiles the output CSS.
The developer is also advised to run this script before running yarn start to prevent the error :
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './styles/tailwind.output.css' in '\src'
The output CSS is generated in the /src/styles folder, under the name 'tailwind.output.css'.
Developers can also run the tailwind watch (yarn run watch-tw)and react start (yarn start) scripts concurrently.
Create a web application to search books using API from OpenLibrary using a programming language of your choice. The total duration will be 12hrs (8:00am - 8:00pm).
OpenLibrary offers suite of APIs to access Book related information. Use the API to build a simple Book search application. The applicable APIs for this functionality:
- Books API - Retrieve a specific work or edition by identifier
- Search API - Search results for books, authors, and more
A sample search page is shown below. Your application need not use the same design but should have similar functionality. Like provide a keyword to search, display results, click on a search result to show more details, pagination.
Bonus points if additional functionality is implemented, e.g., faceted search
Query Parameters
author - Author name
title - Book title
subject - Subject
publisher - Publisher
Language - French
Author Birth Year - 1973
Important Response Fields
1. numFound - Total number of results
2. docs - Array of results
3. cover_i - Cover photo ID
4. title - Book title
5. author_name - Author name
6. first_publish_year - First published year
7. isbn - ISBN number
8. Publisher - Publisher name
9. Language Available - Array of languages available
10. Subject - Array of subjects
This API is used to fetch the details of a particular book. The book can be identified by ISBN, OLID, LCCN, OCLC, or Open Library ID.
Identifier and Value Samples
ISBN - International Standard Book Number
Open Library ID
Cover Photo
Some Important Response Fields
1. title - Book title
2. subtitle - Book subtitle
3. description - Book description
4. number_of_pages - Number of pages
5. publish_date - Published date
6. publish_places - Published place
7. revision - Revision number