Scalable-Backtest-Simulator Public
A Structured framework allows strategies plug-in (e.g. Grid Scalping, ML for α expressions) using advanced OOP to encapsulate multiple inherited classes as reusable and utilized source in library
A-Cointegration-Learning Public
Cointegration is the key trigger in statistical arbitrage for correlated pair, measuring inconsistency and stability properties
Sotheby-s-and-Christie-s Public
"Sotheby's & Christie's" are Python Scraping programs for Artworks Data from Auctions: Sotheby's & Christie's
Key functional components for Batch-processed Image Matrix, using Numpy, cv2
AAStocks Public
"AAStocks" is a Python Dynamic-Crawling program for Sentiment of news info from AAStocks
"SMAsignal" is a Streaming momentum tracking application for Long signals from exchange api
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 18, 2024 -
pyfolio-reload Public
Forked from stefan-jansen/pyfolio-reloadedPortfolio and risk analytics in Python
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 28, 2023 -
AzureMLOps Public
Forked from MarzukhAsjad/AzureMLOpsChallenges given by Azure MLOps
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 13, 2023 -