An action that lets you send xmpp messages.
The actual send job is delegated to sendxmpp
Installation on debian:
# apt install sendxmpp
itself needs a resource file which holds the account information of the sender:
[email protected] my-secret-password
Don't forget to protect the file after creation:
# chmod 600 .sendxmpprc
Just copy the action file into your actions.d
# cp xmpp.conf /etc/fail2ban/actions.d
Here is an example configuration in the jail.local
destxmpp = [email protected]
xmpprcfile = /root/.sendxmpprc
port = ssh
logpath = %(sshd_log)s
action = xmpp[destxmpp="%(destxmpp)s", rcfile="%(xmpprcfile)s", name=%(__name__)s, bantime="%(bantime)s"]
You need to define two values:
: this is the receving xmpp accountxmpprcfile
: the path to your prepared sendxmpp resource file