Compatible with TensorFlow 0.12
You can use
python --task rnnprop
to reproduce our RNNprop model, or use
python --task deepmind-lstm-avg
to reproduce the DMoptimizer Andrychowicz et al., 2016 for comparison.
A random 6 digit letter string will be automatically generated as a unique id for each training process, and a folder named <task-name>-<id>_data
will be created to place data and logs.
To evaluate the performance of a trained model, use
python --train optimizer_train_optimizee
with other command-line flags:
: Must be specified,rnnprop
: Must be specified, the unique 6 digit letter string that represents a trained model.eid
: Must be specified, the epoch to restore the model.n_steps
: Steps to train the optimizee. (Default is 100)n_epochs
: How many times to train the optimizee,0
means do not stop until keyboard interrupted. (Default is 0)
The optimizees used in all experiments are listed in
You can train them with the best traditional optimization algorithm by using
python --train optimizee
with other command-line flags:
: Must be specified, a name
, e.g.,mnist-nn-sigmoid-100
: How many times to train the optimizee,0
means do not stop until keyboard interrupted. (Default is 0)
MIT License.