This application consists in a Ordering System, you can register users, products and categories and
create a new order.
I've been working in this application to improve my knowledge in Web Development with SpringBoot.
At this time, the application is still a simple API REST.
- git clone [email protected]:victorhtl/ordering-system-springboot.git
- Open with intellij
- Configure java 21
- Run the file
- The API will run at localhost:8080
The API uses the JSON format, use raw mode if you are using Postman
"name": "Bob Brown",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "977557755",
"password": "123456"
"name": "Bob Brown",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "977557755"
This is the domain model for our back-end application
The technologies used were:
- Java 21
- Springboot 3.2.4
- JPA/Hibernate
- Maven
This app is current running an H2 database, which is an in-memory database used for tests. When you run the application, the program will automatically create this database and add some items. You can check the database by the admin section of H2, in localhost:8080/h2-console
- Implement access authentication
- Implement user login and sign up
- Implement client-side interface with
- Implement an interface for admin area
- Images in products
- Implements search box for products
- Implement postgreSQL