Sprint boot person management CRUD application which has the below features,
- Secured Person Management APIs
- Authentication and Authorization with role based user access
- Spring Security with JWT based token generation
- Admin and Regular User based authorization
- Manage users who are designated to access the APIs
- Java 8
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Lombok
- Swagger
- H2
- Junit
- Maven
- Heroku
Application is hoted on Heroku cloud and hit the below URL to access the app,
To Run the application in the local machine, please follow the below steps,
Person App requires JRE 8 and maven installed in the host machine.
Run the below command to start the server,
$ git clone https://github.com/vignesh1992/Person-App.git
$ mvn clean install spring-boot:run
This will start the server in a random port.
Hit the below URL in the browser to open the Swagger UI in the browser to access the APIs,
For Basic Auth request in Swagger, pass the below credentials which are bootstraped created for testing purposes to get the JWT token,
REGULAR USER ROLE: username: regularuser, password: Welcome@12
ADMIN USRE ROLE: username: adminuser, password: Welcome@34
For requests with bearer token from swagger UI, please pass Authorize Header like below,
Bearer <Followed by the JWT received>
The Application has the spread of below APIs,
- Authentication Controller contains the APIs to get the JWT and it is Basic Auth Protected
- User Controller contains APIs to add/ delete users who can manage the Persons in the system and these APIs are role based and are Bearer token protected
- Person Controller contains APIs to manage the People in the system and are role based authorized and Bearer token protected
- Users with ROLE_USER will be able to fetch person from the system
- Users with ROLE_ADMIN will be able to create/delete Users from system and perform CRUD in the people APIs.
It runs on a H2 Database with JDBC url
Driver Class
user name is sa with an empty password