Computer Vision App for Surveillance
This app is based on Python 3.6 and OpenCV
Please contribute in the development and improvement of the software.
Check Requirements.txt file for updated requirements
- Python 3.6
- dlib==19.8.1
- imutils==0.5.3
- mysql-connector==2.2.9
- numpy==1.18.1
- opencv-python==
- pandas==1.0.1
- Pillow==7.0.0
- playsound==1.2.2
- pypiwin32==223
- PyQt5==5.14.1
- PyQt5-sip==12.7.1
- pywin32==227
- pywin32-ctypes==0.2.0
Main * Operating System : Windows 10 (build 1909) * Ram : 8GB * Processor : AMD Dual Core 3GHZ Others * WSL : Ubuntu 18.04 * Google Colab
- Easy to use
- Fast & Highly optimized (Multithreaded)
- Highly Configurable
- Free & Open Source
- Less Maintenance Needed
- Secure Database
- Multiple Alert Systems (SMS, Alarm, Email etc.)
- Beautiful User Interface
- Wired and Wireless Camera Connectivity
- And More . . . .
Install opencv from here
Install all the requirements
Change the directory to: 'ThirdEYE/Code/'
leave the system running. . .
- Put your phone number (DND activated) in settings tab
- Your gmail address
- Any Message
- [important] Put your gmail and password into the Code/Alert/loginfile.txt and enable less secure feature in your gmail.
- The default admin password is : Admin
pip install -r requirements.txt
the file is inside ThirdEYE/Code/
Third Eye │ .gitattributes │ .gitignore │ │ ├───Code │ │ INTRUDER.png │ │ requirements.txt │ │ │ │ settings.db │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├───Alert │ │ │ │ loginfile.txt │ │ │ │ │ ├───Assets │ │ ├───PNGs │ │ │ camera.png │ │ │ │ │ └───Sound │ │ alert_sound.mp3 │ │ │ └───Databases │ config.db │ │ settings.db │ │ ├───Code in PDF Files │ alert.pdf │ database.pdf │ surveillanceTest.pdf │ third_eye.pdf │ ├───Outputs │ ├───images │ │ img_0.png │ │ │ └───video │ REC 16-04-2020 21-41.avi │ └───Screenshots about.png alert-cv-threshhold-edges.png alert.png contact.png donate.png home.png settings1.png settings2.png settings3.png video.png