Welcome to my portfolio! Here you'll find a collection of my projects, skills, and experiences. I'm passionate about web development and continuously strive to enhance my skills.
I am Vini R Jacob, a web developer based in Manaus, BR. I specialize in front-end development but as of today I am focusing in back-end. My goal is to create efficient and user-friendly applications.
- Description: This is my portfolio!
- Technologies Used: I used React as my main development tool, plus Node.js to implement some more features.
- Live Demo: Link to live demo
- GitHub Repository: Link to repository
- Programming Languages: JavaSCript, Python, C#.
- Frameworks: React.
- Tools & Technologies: Git.
- Design: Figma.
Feel free to reach out to me!
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub: [link to your GitHub profile]
Thank you for visiting my portfolio!