This repository is deprecated. The relevant version of the dataset is available at:
Check out our new paper: e-ViL: A Dataset and Benchmark for Natural Language Explanations in Vision-Language Tasks (
This repository contains the dataset and code for our paper:
- e-SNLI-VE: Corrected Visual-Textual Entailment with Natural Language Explanations [arXiv] [1]
It will be presented at the 2020 CVPR workshop on Fair, Data Efficient and Trusted Computer Vision.
The e-SNLI-VE dataset is located in the folder data/
. It extends both SNLI-VE [2] and e-SNLI [3]
Due to the Github size restrictions, the training set is split in two files, please simply merge them.
The dataset was previously called "e-SNLI-VE-2.0" which we changed to "e-SNLI-VE" to avoid confusions.
- Python 3.7 / Tensorflow 1.14
- Flickr30k ResNet-101 / Fast R-CNN feature files and image_names
- Glove embeddings
See this repository for more details.
python --train_filename='./data/e_vsnli_train.tsv' --dev_filename='./data/e_vsnli_dev.tsv' --vectors_filename="./data/glove.840B.300d.txt" --img_names_filename='./data/image_features/flickr30k_resnet101_bottom_up_img_names.json' --img_features_filename='./data/image_features/flickr30k_resnet101_bottom_up_img_features.npy' --model_save_filename='./models/e_vsnli' --batch_size=100 --max_vocab=5000 --alpha=0.8 --buffer_size=300000
python --test_filename='./data/e_vsnli_test.tsv' --model_filename='./models/e_vsnli' --img_names_filename='./data/image_features/flickr30k_resnet101_bottom_up_img_names.json' --img_features_filename='./data/image_features/flickr30k_resnet101_bottom_up_img_features.npy' --result_filename="./models/result_e_vsnli"
If you use this dataset in your work, please cite our paper:
title={e-SNLI-VE: Corrected Visual-Textual Entailment with Natural Language Explanations},
author={Virginie Do and Oana-Maria Camburu and Zeynep Akata and Thomas Lukasiewicz},
[1] Do, V., Camburu, O., Akata, Z., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2020). e-SNLI-VE-2.0: Corrected Visual-Textual Entailment with Natural Language Explanations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.03744.
[2] Camburu, O. M., Rocktäschel, T., Lukasiewicz, T., & Blunsom, P. (2018). e-SNLI: Natural Language Inference with Natural Language Explanations. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 9539-9549).
[3] Xie, N., Lai, F., Doran, D., & Kadav, A. (2019). Visual Entailment: A Novel Task for Fine-Grained Image Understanding. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.06706.