Elixir library to read the DHT series of humidity and temperature sensors on a Raspberry Pi. The library is supposed to be included in a nerves project.
If you want to build your project directly on a Raspberry (not in a crosscompiling nerves project)
just export MIX_TARGET
environment variable to you mix build.
Valid values for MIX_TARGET
are rpi
, rp0
, rp2
, rp3
, rp4
- Supported sensors: DHT11, DHT22, AM2302
- Supported boards: Raspberry 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Note: the library has no external dependencies and use a C executable to read the sensors data.
The package can be installed by adding nerves_dht
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:nerves_dht, git: "https://github.com/visciang/nerves_dht.git", tag: "xxx"}
iex> NervesDHT.read(:am2302, 17)
{:ok, 55.1, 24.719}
iex> NervesDHT.stream(:am2302, 17) |> Enum.take(2)
[{:ok, 55.1, 24.719}, {:ok, 55.12, 24.9}]
If you plan to read concurrently from the sensor, add NervesDHT
to your application supervisor tree:
children = [
{NervesDHT, [name: :my_sensor, sensor: :am2302, pin: 17]},
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
and read with:
$ export CI=true # to build on a non RPI-nerves host
$ mix compile --warnings-as-errors
$ mix coveralls