A GUI application designed in Processing for the Mini CNC Plotter I made with salvaged stepper motors and drives from old CD drives. It's currently under development. I'll upload all the documentation once I finish the hardware and software for it.
This is what I'm using for developeing the control software : www.processing.org
My project website is at www.vishnumaiea.in
This project will be available at : http://www.vishnumaiea.in/projects/hardware/mini-cnc-plotter
This source repository is distributed under MIT License.
- First go to www.processing.org and download the Processing version for your operating system and install it.
- Download all the files in this repository and open the .pde file from the "Mini_CNC_Plotter_GUI" folder with Processing application.
- Click the "Run" button in Processing which will create an instance of the program.
- You may need to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run the application.
- You can use the "Export Application" feature in Processing to create executable files for preferred OSs.
- Connect the plotter to the computer and determine the COM it is assigned to.
- Run the application and select the COM port in the initial window and press START.
- Select a plotting method from Lines, Freehand and Points.
- Select a BITMAP/PNG image with a resolution of 327 x 250 pixels using the Load Image button. Some sample images are available in the "data" folder.
- Click Start for start plotting, Pause for pausing and resuming.