An Arduino compatible library for R30X series optical fingerprint sensor/scanner from Hangzhou Grow Technology. The library is written in a manner to be easily readable and thus modifiable.
- Latest version :
- Author : Vishnu Mohanan (@vishnumaiea)
- Source :
- Author's website :
- Initial release : +05:30 07:35 PM, 08-04-2019, Monday
- Last updated : +05:30 06:10:01 PM, 20-07-2020 Monday
- License :
A detailed tutorial on interfacing the modules and using the library is available on my project website : (this repo may be newer than what's described in the tutorial). I still need to implement two functions for importing and exporting fingerprint templates and images from and to the sensor.
To install the library to your computer, open the Library Manager from the Arduino IDE and search for "R30X fingerprint scanner". Then install the latest version from the list.
The library was tested with Arduino Due and Arduino Uno using R307 fingerprint scanner. To wire up, connect the TX and RX pins to the TX1 and RX1 pins of Due or Mega. If you're using Uno or similar boards with only one hardware UART, use SoftwareSerial for the fingerprint sensor and hardware UART for debugging.
Even though not tested, the library is expected to work with other Arduino compatible microcontrollers and boards such as ESP8266, ESP32, STM32 Nucleo, TI Launchpad etc.
The example sketch can invoke all implemented functions from a serial terminal with short commands and input parameters. Below is the list of available commands.
All commands and parameters must be separated by single whitespace.
- clrlib - clear library
- tmpcnt - get templates count
- readsys - read system parameters
- setdatlen <data length> - set data length
- capranser <timeout> <start location> <quantity> - capture and range search library for fingerprint
- capfulser - capture and full search the library for fingerprint
- enroll <location> - enroll new fingerprint
- verpwd <password> - verify 4 byte device password
- setpwd <password> - set new 4 byte device password
- setaddr <address> - set new 4 byte device address
- setbaud <baudrate> - set the baudrate
- reinitprt <baudrate> - reinitialize the port without changing device configuration
- setseclvl <level> - set security level
- genimg - generate image
- genchar <buffer id> - generate character file from image
- gentmp - generate template from character buffers
- savtmp <buffer id> <location> - save template to library from buffer
- lodtmp <buffer id> <location> - load template from library to buffer
- deltmp <start location> <quantity> - delete one or more templates from library
- mattmp - precisely match two templates available on buffers
- serlib <buffer id> <start location> <quantity> - search library for content on the buffer
When something is not working, upload the example sketch to your board and run the commands to check if they're working as expected.
Getting "Password is not correct" message
New modules will be coming with the default password and device address 0xFFFFFFFF. If the example sketch complains about wrong password, then try running the setpwd command. For example,
Getting "Invalid command" message
If your serial terminal application is sending NL/CR characters automatically, try turing this off. For example, you can turn this feature off at Arduino serial monitor.