This is a mobile application that utilizes the TMDB (The Movie Database) API to display the latest trends in movies and TV series. With a user-friendly and intuitive interface, this app allows users to keep track of the most popular productions of the moment and obtain detailed information about them.
- Show trending movies and TV shows
- Duration, cast, synopsis, duration and audience rating
- Light and dark theme
- Themed app icon (Android 13+)
- Languages: English and Portuguese
- Clone the project by copying this command to your terminal:
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio
Create a new account and generate an API key in TMDB
Add the TMDB API key to the "" file:
- Run the app
Architecture MVVM, Clean Archteture
Network: Retrofit, GSon, Corroutines
Dependency injection Koin
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
UI inspired by Material Design 3 and Eclipse by Ihya Fathurr
This application uses TMDB and the TMDB APIs but is not endorsed, certified, or otherwise approved by TMDB.