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I was bored one Sunday, so I wrote a series of articles about my Neovim configuration on Medium. It only exists in French 🇫🇷 for the moment.
All the code I talk about in my articles is here.
Topic | Read the article | Commit |
Plugin Manager | Plugin Manager | 80d0b2b |
LSP | LSP | c2d7b2c |
Navigation | Navigation | 024dc64 |
Git | Git | a52ad2a |
Debug, UX, Copilot et lazy loading | Debug, UX, Copilot et lazy loading | ba95c66 (Debug, UX, Copilot) + 2d6a1f (lazy loading) |
If you'd rather read a pdf than Medium, this is the place 📚. It's pretty much the same content without gifs.
git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim
Wait until lazy.nvim has finished loading all the plugins and you're done!
I'd like it if when lazy.nvim has finished the installation, we could get to the file explorer but I haven't found a solution yet, if you have any ideas : #3 🐞
To uninstall
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
- The must-have fuzzy finder : telescope.nvim
- For more efficient browsing between files : harpoon
- Just to look smarter : copilot.lua
- To add pastel to your life : cattpucin
- To add color to your life : nvim-treesiter
- To comment on something that is no longer useful but that you still want to keep : Comment.nvim
- To have the file explorer right in front of you : neo-tree.nvim or oil.nvim (I couldn't choose)
- To have your mistakes in front of you : trouble.nvim
- For a nice status bar : lualine
- To avoid mistakes in the next git conflict : neogit, diffview.nvim, gitsigns.nvim and git-conflict.nvim
- To stop print() and console.log() : nvim-dap, nvim-dap-ui, nvim-dap-virtual-text, nvim-nio and mason-nvim-dap.nvim
- For all modern conveniences (autocompletion, syntax highlighting, error detection) : lsp-zero.nvim, nvim-lspconfig, mason.nvim, mason-lspconfig.nvim, lspkind.nvim, LuaSnip and nvim-cmp