Qt 6 Core Advanced with C++ on Udemy
1 Welcome to the course
1 What does this course cover
2 What does this course not cover
3 Challenges with advanced
4 Who should take this course
5 Course prerequisites
6 If you don’t know C++ or Qt
7 Who is the instructor
8 Raw and unfiltered
9 Qt overview
10 Courses overview
11 Qt is massive
12 What why how recap
13 Goals of the course
14 What is Qt
15 What can you make with Qt
16 Have Qt installed
17 Installation issues
18 Expect issues
19 Bugs
20 Reviews and feedback
21 Skipped the previous courses
2 Before we begin
1 Qt configuration, kits and more
2 Maintenance tool overview
3 3rd party tools (network, database)
4 Google to the rescue
5 Updating the Qt versions
3 Threads
1 Synchronous code
2 Asynchronous code
3 Threaded code
4 Synchronous example
5 Asynchronous example
6 Creating threads
7 Inheriting QThread
8 Thread LifeCycle
9 QThreadPool
10 QMutex
11 QMutexLocker
12 QSemaphore
13 QWaitCondition
14 Signals and slots in threads
15 What is Qt Concurrent
16 Intro to Qt ConCurrent
17 QtConcurrent
18 QtConcurrent issues
19 QFutureWatcher
20 QFuture return values
21 QFutureWatcher Slots
22 QFutureIterator
23 QFutureSyncronizer
24 Threaded example
4 Networking
1 What is networking
2 Understanding networks
3 Ports
4 Protocols
5 Network vs internet
6 Clients
7 Servers
8 Hybrid roles
9 Proxy Servers
10 DNS
11 SSL
12 TCP
13 UDP
14 Async Sockets
15 Threaded Sockets
16 QHostAddress
17 QUdpSocket
18 UDP Chat Example
19 QTcpSocket
20 QNetworkProxy
21 QSslSocket
22 Synchronous TCP
23 Synchronous UDP
24 Asynchronous TCP
25 Asynchronous UDP
26 Threaded TCP
27 Threaded UDP
28 QNetworkAccessManager HTTP
29 QNetworkAccessManager FTP
30 QTcpServer
31 Multi-threaded TCP Server
32 Multi-threaded TCP Testing
33 SSL Server – creating a certificate
34 SSL Server – creating the server
35 SSL Server – testing
5 Libraries and plugins
1 What is a library
2 Why use libraries
3 Shared libraries
4 Static libraries
5 Shared vs static
6 Plugins
7 Dependency trees
8 Deployment issues
9 Creating a shared library
10 Creating a shared external library
11 Shared library dependencies
12 Static Library
13 Application Plugins
14 Overview of popular libraries
6 Databases
1 Intro to databases
2 What are databases
3 Why use a database
4 Understanding Qt database plugins
5 Loading a Plugin with QPluginLoader
6 Listing drivers with QSqlDriver
7 QSqlDatabase and QSqlQuery
8 Data class example
7 Unit testing
1 What is unit testing
2 Why use unit testing
3 Qt Test
4 Basic tests
5 Testing failure
6 Data driven tests
7 Benchmarking
8 Skipping tests and expecting failure
8 Deploying Qt Applications
1 Intro to deploying applications
2 Deployment challenges
3 Deployment strategies
4 Shared vs Static builds
5 Millions of ways to deploy
6 Test application
7 Deploying on Mac
8 Deploying on Linux
9 Deploying on Windows
10 Building Qt Both Dynamic and Static
11 Qt installer framework