Allows scan blockchain Waves for asset X movements from height Y (for issue height for example). Results will be saved in the file, located in the same directory. Every movement will be printed as new line with the following pattern:
{height:10} {tx_hash:42} {tx_type:4} {tx_amount:16} {tx_sender:42} {tx_recipient:42}
- TransferV1
- TransferV2
- MassTransferV1
- ExchangeV1
- ExchangeV2
If you want to track every WBTC (8LQW8f7P5d5PZM7GtZEBgaqRPGSzS3DfPuiXrURJ4AJS
) movement from 257457
(issue height), for example:
./go_build_waves_movements -a 8LQW8f7P5d5PZM7GtZEBgaqRPGSzS3DfPuiXrURJ4AJS -h 257457
If you want to use custom waves node (your own, local):
./go_build_waves_movements -a 8LQW8f7P5d5PZM7GtZEBgaqRPGSzS3DfPuiXrURJ4AJS -h 257457 -n