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This module installs, configures and manages the Fail2ban service.


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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with fail2ban
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Jails available
  8. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module installs, configures and manages the Fail2ban service.

Module Description

This module handles installing, configuring and running Fail2ban across a range of operating systems and distributions.


What fail2ban affects

  • fail2ban package.
  • fail2ban configuration file.
  • fail2ban service.

Beginning with fail2ban

Install and configure fail2ban:

    class { 'fail2ban': }

Config file template

You can also manually specify a different configuration template. To do it, use your desired configuration template (e.g. if your template is in your local profile):

  class { 'fail2ban':
    config_file_template => "profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf.epp"

Or using Hiera:

fail2ban::config_file_template: "profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf.epp"


Update the fail2ban package.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      package_ensure => 'latest',

Remove the fail2ban package.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      package_ensure => 'absent',

Purge the fail2ban package (All configuration files will be removed).

    class { 'fail2ban':
      package_ensure => 'purged',

Deploy the configuration files from source directory.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      config_dir_source => "puppet:///modules/profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban",

Deploy the configuration files from source directory (Unmanaged configuration files will be removed).

    class { 'fail2ban':
      config_dir_purge  => true,
      config_dir_source => "puppet:///modules/profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban",

Deploy the configuration file from source.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      config_file_source => "puppet:///modules/profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf",

Deploy the configuration file from string.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      config_file_string => '# THIS FILE IS MANAGED BY PUPPET',

Deploy the configuration file from template.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      config_file_template => "profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf.epp",

Deploy the configuration file from custom template (Additional parameters can be defined).

    class { 'fail2ban':
      config_file_template     => "profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf.epp",
      config_file_options_hash => {
        'key' => 'value',

Deploy additional configuration files from source, string or template.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      config_file_hash => {
        'jail.2nd.conf' => {
          config_file_path   => '/etc/fail2ban/jail.2nd.conf',
          config_file_source => "puppet:///modules/profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/jail.2nd.conf",
        'jail.3rd.conf' => {
          config_file_path   => '/etc/fail2ban/jail.3rd.conf',
          config_file_string => '# THIS FILE IS MANAGED BY PUPPET',
        'jail.4th.conf' => {
          config_file_path     => '/etc/fail2ban/jail.4th.conf',
          config_file_template => "profile/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/jail.4th.conf.epp",

Disable the fail2ban service.

    class { 'fail2ban':
      service_ensure => 'stopped',

Jails available

Pre-defined jails


  • 3proxy
  • apache-auth
  • apache-badbots
  • apache-botsearch
  • apache-fakegooglebot
  • apache-modsecurity
  • apache-nohome
  • apache-noscript
  • apache-overflows
  • apache-shellshock
  • assp
  • asterisk
  • counter-strike
  • courier-auth
  • courier-smtp
  • cyrus-imap
  • directadmin
  • dovecot
  • dropbear
  • drupal-auth
  • ejabberd-auth
  • exim
  • exim-spam
  • freeswitch
  • froxlor-auth
  • groupoffice
  • gssftpd
  • guacamole
  • horde
  • kerio
  • lighttpd-auth
  • monit
  • mysqld-auth
  • nagios
  • named-refused
  • nginx-botsearch
  • nginx-http-auth
  • nsd
  • openwebmail
  • oracleims
  • pam-generic
  • pass2allow-ftp
  • perdition
  • php-url-fopen
  • portsentry
  • postfix
  • postfix-rbl
  • postfix-sasl
  • proftpd
  • pure-ftpd
  • qmail-rbl
  • recidive
  • roundcube-auth
  • selinux-ssh
  • sendmail-auth
  • sendmail-reject
  • sieve
  • sogo-auth
  • solid-pop3d
  • squid
  • squirrelmail
  • sshd
  • sshd-ddos
  • stunnel
  • suhosin
  • tine20
  • uwimap-auth
  • vsftpd
  • webmin-auth
  • wuftpd
  • xinetd-fail


  • 3proxy
  • apache-auth
  • apache-badbots
  • apache-botsearch
  • apache-fakegooglebot
  • apache-modsecurity
  • apache-multiport
  • apache-nohome
  • apache-noscript
  • apache-overflows
  • apache-shellshock
  • assp
  • asterisk
  • bitwarden
  • centreon
  • counter-strike
  • courierauth
  • courier-smtp
  • cyrus-imap
  • directadmin
  • domino-smtp
  • dovecot
  • dropbear
  • drupal-auth
  • ejabberd-auth
  • exim
  • exim-spam
  • freeswitch
  • froxlor-auth
  • groupoffice
  • gssftpd
  • guacamole
  • haproxy-http-auth
  • horde
  • kerio
  • lighttpd-auth
  • lighttpd-fastcgi
  • mongodb-auth
  • monit
  • murmur
  • mysqld-auth
  • nagios
  • named-refused
  • nginx-botsearch
  • nginx-http-auth
  • nginx-limit-req
  • nsd
  • openhab-auth
  • openwebmail
  • oracleims
  • pam-generic
  • pass2allow-ftp
  • perdition
  • php-url-fopen
  • phpmyadmin-syslog
  • portsentry
  • postfix
  • postfix-rbl
  • postfix-sasl
  • proftpd
  • pure-ftpd
  • qmail-rbl
  • recidive
  • roundcube-auth
  • sasl
  • selinux-ssh
  • sendmail-auth
  • sendmail-reject
  • sieve
  • screensharing
  • slapd
  • sogo-auth
  • solid-pop3d
  • squid
  • squirrelmail
  • ssh
  • ssh-blocklist
  • ssh-ddos
  • ssh-iptables-ipset4
  • ssh-iptables-ipset6
  • ssh-route
  • stunnel
  • suhosin
  • tine20
  • traefik-auth
  • uwimap-auth
  • vsftpd
  • webmin-auth
  • wuftpd
  • xinetd-fail
  • zoneminder
  • znc-adminlog


  • 3proxy
  • apache-auth
  • apache-badbots
  • apache-botsearch
  • apache-common
  • apache-fakegooglebot
  • apache-modsecurity
  • apache-nohome
  • apache-noscript
  • apache-overflows
  • apache-pass
  • apache-shellshock
  • assp
  • asterisk
  • botsearch-common
  • common
  • counter-strike
  • courier-auth
  • courier-smtp
  • cyrus-imap
  • directadmin
  • domino-smtp
  • dovecot
  • dropbear
  • drupal-auth
  • ejabberd-auth
  • exim-common
  • exim-spam
  • exim
  • freeswitch
  • froxlor-auth
  • groupoffice
  • gssftpd
  • guacamole
  • haproxy-http-auth
  • horde
  • ignorecommands
  • kerio
  • lighttpd-auth
  • mongodb-auth
  • monit
  • murmur
  • mysqld-auth
  • nagios
  • named-refused
  • nginx-botsearch
  • nginx-http-auth
  • nginx-limit-req
  • nsd
  • openhab
  • openwebmail
  • oracleims
  • pam-generic
  • perdition
  • php-url-fopen
  • phpmyadmin-syslog
  • portsentry
  • postfix
  • proftpd
  • pure-ftpd
  • qmail
  • recidive
  • roundcube-auth
  • screensharingd
  • selinux-common
  • selinux-ssh
  • sendmail-auth
  • sendmail-reject
  • sieve
  • slapd
  • sogo-auth
  • solid-pop3d
  • squid
  • squirrelmail
  • sshd
  • stunnel
  • suhosin
  • tine20
  • uwimap-auth
  • vsftpd
  • webmin-auth
  • wuftpd
  • xinetd-fail
  • zoneminder

Custom jails

Users can add their own jails by using this YAML definition:

      filter_failregex: '<HOST>.*] "POST /wp-login.php'
      port: 'http,https'
      logpath: '/var/log/nginx/access.log'
      maxretry: 3
      findtime: 120
      bantime: 1200
      ignoreip: ['', '']
      filter_failregex: '^<HOST> -.*POST /sessions HTTP/1\.." 200'
      action: 'iptables-multiport[name=NoLoginFailures, port="http,https"]'
      logpath: '/var/log/nginx*/*access*.log'
      maxretry: 6
      bantime: 600
      ignoreip: ['', '']

Sendmail notifications

Default e-mail notification are defined in /etc/fail2ban/action.d/sendmail-common.conf. Following configuration will create override config sendmail-common.local.

  actionstart: ''
  actionstop: ''
  dest: root@localhost
  sender: fail2ban@localhost
  sendername: Fail2Ban


Supported OSes and dependencies are given into metadata.json file.


Bug Report

If you find a bug, have trouble following the documentation or have a question about this module - please create an issue.

Pull Request

If you are able to patch the bug or add the feature yourself - please make a pull request.


The list of contributors can be found at: