Phez is a Ruby on Rails application powering the website
Please consider donating some Bitcoin to Phez:
Contributions are encouraged and desired.
We love pull requests. Here's a quick guide:
Fork the repo.
Add some tests if your changes are code-related (not design). Currently we don't have any (yet). But the more the better, especially unit tests. Ideally we'll get Factory Girl setup in lieu of fixtures.
Push your fork and submit a pull request.
- Two spaces, no tabs.
- No trailing whitespace. Blank lines should not have any space.
- Look through the code and try to use the same style/syntax that's already in place.
Phez is a standard Ruby on Rails 4.2.x application. Installation is fairly straightforward.
- Ruby 2.2.x
- PostgreSQL
Configurations that are known to work well with Phez
Development environment:
- OS X
- Ruby 2.2.x (via RVM)
- PostgreSQL 9.x
How to Install
Checkout the repository:
git clone
Copy database_example.yml to database.yml (and modify for your localhost), bundle install, etc.
Create some fake data with:
rake phez:dummy
Rank the newly-created posts:
rake phez:rank
Browse to localhost:3000 and start phezing!
We'd like to thank the creators of the following libraries and frameworks. Without their contributions, Phez would not be possible.
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- jQuery
- Twitter Bootstrap
- PostgreSQL
- Too many gems to list, but currently: devise, redcarpet, acts_as_commentable_with_threading, whenever, will_paginate, recaptcha, figaro, etc!
Phez is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more info.