#Implementation of single source shortest path problem in java Program finds strongest path in graph from source to all of specified target files.
It uses delta stepping algorithm to find strongest path, which is based on Dijkstra algorithm. Algorithm description: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.02113v1 .pdf
#Build to build program from sources execute
mvn clean install
and in target folder sssp-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar could be executed
#Run Program require three arguments: path_to_graph_file path_to_source_target_file path_to_output_file
To run program from command line you can use:
java -jar sssp-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar graph_medium.txt source_target_medium.txt output.txt
To run program JRE 1.8 should be installed
TODO: fully implement delta stepping algorithm (currently main cycle doesn't allow parallel execution)