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Kotlin function and objects for working with SI units like meter, second, as well as currencies and general units like percent.


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alt Genesis rules of International System of Units_(Source: Wikipedia)

KotUniL covers all units of International System of Units (SI)
like meter, second etc. (see Wikipedia) as well as SI- Prefixes (micro, nano etc.) and some other common units like currencies, percentages etc.

KotUniL (Kotlin Units Library) a library of functions and objects of Kotlin that meet the following requirements in total:

  1. It allows various formulas to be written in Kotlin in a way maximally similar to the way formulas are written in physics and economics.
  2. It allows analyzing dimensions of results of applications of complicated formulas.
  3. It allows to detect most of the typical errors when working with SI units already at the compilation stage. Errors in incorrect use of physical units in complex formulas are detected in runtime.
  4. It is pure library (no plug-in, no parser etc.), it has no dependencies

Project structure

The goal of the project is not only to provide a unified set of objects and functions that allows to use the SI in programs in different programming languages. The project also contains simple applications in all of the target languages that show how to do this. In addition, these applications test the availability of all necessary functions on that target platform.

(So far, applications for only two target platforms have been implemented.)

Therefore, all subprojects of this project are divided into three groups:

  1. kotunil - implementation of library functionality in Kotlin.
  2. js-lib - JavaScript variant of KotUniL, available as NPM package kotunil-js-lib.
  3. apps applications that test the functionality of the library on a specific platform. In the moment are test applications as console-application for Kotlin and Java platfforms impemented ans web page for Browser/JavaScript and Node/TypeScript variants of library.
  4. kotunil-generators - generators used to accelerate the implementation and testing of the library.

If you are a developer and you are interested in the source code of the library, you only need part kotunil.

1. Getting started

1.1 Simple physical formulas

Let's consider some simple examples.

In Eva's case, a glass broke in her aquarium and water flowed on floor. In aquarium before breakage was 32 liters of water. Eva's room is 4 m. wide and 4.3 long. How high in mm. is water now in Eva's room with assumption that it stayed there and did not flow away?

The solution in Kotlin can be written in one line. For didactic reasons like introduce two auxiliary variables s and h.

val s = 4.m * 4.3.m
val h = 32.l/s   
print("Water height is ${} mm.")

1.2 How to properly write KotUniL's formulas

KotUniL is a multiplatform library. You can read about how to properly write physics and other formulas using the objects and functions of the KotUniL library in document "Rules for writing KotUniL formulas in different programming languages".

1.3 Dimension analysis

Please note that the variable s is physical dimension m2 (square meter) and h - m (simple meter). Furthermore, in this example we also used liters (l), which have dimension m3 (cubic meters).

Using the built-in function unitSymbols() you can determine the dimension of any object in terms of SI standard.

val s = 4.m * 5.m
assertEquals("m2", s.unitSymbols())

val x = 20.l
assertEquals("m3", x.unitSymbols())

val h = x/s
assertEquals("m", h.unitSymbols())

val y = 1.2.s
assertEquals("s", y.unitSymbols())

val z = x/y
assertEquals("m3/s", z.unitSymbols())

Using the built-in function categorySymbols() you can analyze dimensions of physical units in "academic" manner.

val s = 4.m * 5.m
assertEquals("L2", s.categorySymbols())

val x = 20.l
assertEquals("L3", x.categorySymbols())

val h = x/s
assertEquals("L", h.categorySymbols())

val y = 1.2.s
assertEquals("T", y.categorySymbols())

val z = x/y
assertEquals("L3T-1", z.categorySymbols())

1.4 Type safety

Physical units of the same dimension can be added, subtracted and compared. If you try to do this with units of different types, you will get either compilation errors (for simple units) or run-time errors for complicated units.

//val x = 1.m + 2 compilation error
//val y = 20.l/(4.m * 5.m) + 14 compilation error

//Complex errors will be found in runtime:
val exception = assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>(
    block = { 1.m + 2.s }

Of course, a safety with an exception is not a classic type safety, that shows up during compilation time. However, it is better than letting the metre and the second add up.

When using SI such error is found during the first unit test.
(Reminder: just such errors led in the past to terrible technical catastrophes, see e.g.

1.4 Comparison of objects

Physical objects can be compared only if they have the same dimensions.

assertTrue(5.m > 4.1.m)

assertTrue(20.2*m3 > 4.2*m3)

assertTrue(2.2*kg*m/s < 4.2*kg*m/s)

Otherwise, you will get a run-time error.

val v1 = 2.4.m
val v2 = 2.4.s

val exception = assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>(
    block = { v1 >= v2 }


val v1 = 2.4.m*kg/s
val v2 = 2.4.s*m3/ μV

val exception = assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>(
    block = { v1 >= v2 }

With KotUniL you can also compare, add and divide the objects that are defined differently, but have the same physical dimension.
In the example below the objects with the dimension "hertz" (1/second) are used.

assertEquals(0.9.Hz, 0.9/s)
assertEquals(0.9.Hz, 5/s - 4.1.Hz)

2. How to use

2.1 Production mode

KotUniL distributed as Kotlin-library via MavenCentral. Dependency for build.gradle.kts:

repositories {

dependencies {

where X.Y.Z ist last published version of KotUniL in MavenCentral. You can see the number of this version at the head of this file after icon with the text "maven-central".

Dependency for Maven/pom:


2.2 Development mode

At the moment KotUniL is developing rapidly. To enable you to try the latest features of KotUniL use the following configuration at KTS:


and by Maven:


2.3 Using only source code

If you want to use it as source code, copy into your project all production files from src/commonMain/kotlin/eu/sirotin/kotunil.

3. Deeper into details

3.1 Base Units

SI standard defines 7 base units, as well as some derived units and accepts historically established non-SI units.

The table below listed Base SI units.

You can define a physical unit by multiplying a value at unit variable or from a number (Double, Int etc.) if you write SI symbol after a dot after a number.

1*s == 1.0.s
s == 1.s
s = 1.0.s

In special cases you can also create unit using a class constructor.

Second(1.0) == 1.s
SI Base Unit Unit symbol
second s
metre m
kilogram kg
ampere A
kelvin K
mole mol
candela cd

The name of the class differs from the name of the unit by first capital letter.

3.2 Derived Units

SI standard defines beside base unit also 22 derived units. They are listed in the table below. Do not be surprised if you encounter in this table and in KotUniL library unusual for identifiers symbols like Ω. It is possible because according to Kotlin's specification most common unicode symbols can be used in Kotlin identifiers (see paragraph "1.2.4 Identifiers" in Kotlin Specification Derived units can be used just like base units. Both types can be used in a formula by multiplication or division.

SI Derived Unit Unit symbol Formula
radian rad m/m
steradian sr m2/m2
hertz Hz 1/s
newton N kg*m/(s ^ 2)
pascal Pa kg/(m * (s ^ 2))
joule J kg*(m2)/(s ^ 2)
watt W kg*(m2)/(s ^ 3)
coulomb C s*A
volt V kg*m2*(s ^ -3) * (A ^ -1)
farad F (kg ^ -1) * (m ^ -2) * (s ^ 4) * (A ^ 2)
ohm Ω kg*m2 * (s ^ -3) * (A ^ -2)
siemens S (kg ^ -1) * (m ^ -2) *(s ^ 3)* (A ^ 2)
weber Wb kg*(m2) * (s ^ -2) * (A ^ -1)
tesla T kg* (s ^ -2) * (A ^ -1)
henry H kg* (m2)*(s ^ -2)*(A ^ -2)
degreeCelsius Celsius (K ^ 1)
lumen lm ((cd ^ 1)*sr)
lux lx cd*sr*(m ^ -2)
becquerel Bq (s ^ -1)
gray Gy (m2)*(s ^ -2)
sievert Sv (m2)*(s ^ -2)
katal kat (mol * (s ^ -1))

Also, do not wound yourself when you see the ^ symbol. Kotlin has no operator for power, but a function. KotUniL was extended with this infix function. Unfortunately, with it can not set proper priority for this function. Although this looks like a "real" operator, for keeping proper operation prioritization, you have to put it in parentheses.

Real-life example:

Miller family makes a trip to the nature. They brought a solar panel and immediately turned on at the excursion site. Solar produced 12 volts and 7 amps 2 hours. Produced electricity was stored in a storage tank. Storage efficiency is 85%. After that, Mrs. Miller decided to prepare the tea in boiler. To prepare hot water for tea with boilers with 500 watt strength, the water should be boiled for 8 min. The question, is stored in memory electricity enough for that?

        val producedElectricity = 12.V * 7.A * 2.h
        val savedElectricity = producedElectricity * 85.`%`
        val neededElectricity = 0.5.kW * 8.min
        val dif = savedElectricity - neededElectricity
        assertTrue(dif < 0.W*h) //Comparison in KotUniL
        assertTrue(dif.value < 0) //Comparison dimensionless

Note that for convenience we use here the symbol %. This is also extension of Kotlin in our library.

Regarding this and similar extensions, see the statement: "Kotlin supports escaping identifiers by enclosing any sequence of characters into backtick (`) characters, allowing to use any name as an identifier." (See paragraph 1.2.4 "Identifiers" in Kotlin specification The character backtick (`) (UTF-8 code U+0060) is not equal to the apostrophe characters on the keyboard (UTF-8 code U+0027). To use it, you better copy it directly from this example.

Please note: such identifiers currently work only on Jvm platform.

Most derived units can be derived from Based Units or from other Derived Units in different ways.
Look at the example of Tesla:

assertEquals(T,	kg * (s `^` -2) * (A `^` -1))
assertEquals(T,	Wb/ m2)

3.3 Own Derive Units

You can also define your own Derived Units. Consider a not properly scientifically proven example. Let's imagine that the melting speed of snow in mountains is proportional to the duration and temperature above 0 °C. This will be our new Derived Unit. If current snow thickness is 10 cm, what proportion will be melted in 5 hours at 20 °C?
The code below also shows the nice side of Kotlin - a possibility to use Unicode symbols, e.g. Greek letters.

        val ζ = 10.μm/(h*K) //melting speed
        val τ =
        val t = 20.`°C`
        val ξ = 5.h*(t - 0.`°C`)
        val σ = ζ*ξ //melting height
        val α = σ/τ //melting ration
        assertEquals(1.0, α.`as %`, ε) //α.`as %` - Ratio presented in percents

Please note, how you can present calculation result in percents: α.as % - ratio presented in percents.

ε is some small value for tolerance by comparison of double numbers. This is also one of the variables defined in KotUniL

3.4 SI-Prefixes

SI standard also defines SI prefixes and rules for their use with units ( Base and Derived). SI Units library implements this mechanism. The table of prefixes and their values can be seen in the table below.

Prefix Symbol Degree
quetta Q 30
ronna R 27
yotta Y 24
zetta Z 21
exa E 18
peta P 15
tera T 12
giga G 9
mega M 6
kilo k 3
hecto h 2
deca da 1
deci d -1
centi c -2
milli m -3
micro μ -6
nano n -9
pico p -12
femto f -15
atto a -18
zepto z -21
yocto y -24
ronto r -27
quecto q -30

In example below we check that one kilometer is equal to milliard of micrometer.

val d = km - (10 `^` 9) * μm
assertTrue(abs(d.value) < ε)

3.5 Non-SI units accepted for use with SI

Many non-SI units continue to be used in the scientific, technical, and commercial literature. KotUniL Library implements these units. They are listed in the table below.

Quantity Name Symbol Value in SI units
time minute min 1 min = 60 s
time hour h 1 h = 60 min = 3600 s
time day d 1 d = 24 h = 86400 s
length astronomical unit au 1 au = 149597870700 m
plane and phase angle degree ° 1° = π*rad/180
plane and phase angle arcminute 1′ = 1°/60 = π*rad/10800
plane and phase angle arcsecond ″ 1″ = 1′ /60 = π*rad/648000
area hectare ha 1 ha = 1 hm2 = 10^4 m2
volume litre l, L 1 l = 1 L = 1 dm3 = 10^3 cm3 = 10^−3 m3
mass tonne (metric ton) t 1 t = 1 Mg = 10^3 kg
mass dalton Da 1 Da = 1.660539040(20)×10^−27 kg
energy electronvolt eV 1 eV = 1.602176634×10^−19 J


A city park has area 2.3 hectares. During a rain 1 mm of water had fallen from the sky.
If there was no rain, the park should be watered with water from car cisterns. A car cistern can carry 4 tons of water. How many cisterns are needed to achieve the same effect as in case of rain? Reminder: density of watter is 1 kg/l

val s = 1.ha
val ω = s* //water volume
val ρ = kg/l //density of watter is 1 kg/l
val τ = ω * ρ //common water weight of rain
val n = τ/4.t
assertEquals(250.0, n.value, ε)

3.6 Currencies

KotUniL library lets you use currencies in your calculations.

Some example:

A householder has decided to cover the floor with tiles in one of his rooms.

He has bought 16,5 sqm of tiles for 52 €/sqm. How much does he pay for his tiles?

val prise = 52.`€`/m2
val s = 16.5*m2
val cost = s*prise
assertEquals("858,00 EUR","%.2f"))
assertEquals("EUR", cost.unitSymbols())

3.7 Things

Sometimes you need an abstract unit like "thing". For example:

Every good guy has 30 different things per liter in his pocket. Jan is a good guy and his pocket is 0.3 liters big. How many things can his mom find in Jan's pocket?

val p = 30.`#`/l
val n = 0.3.l * p

assertEquals("9 #","%.0f"))
assertEquals("#", n.unitSymbols())    

3.8 Full implementation of Kotlin's operators for units

Library completely implements Kotlin's operators like: Unare operators:

a = +b
a = -b

Augment assignments:

a +=b
a -=b
a *=b
a /=b
a %=b

Attention: Operators




are not implemented due to known bugs Kotlin compiler (See

Head image: Genesis rules of International System of Units (Source: Wikipedia)


Kotlin function and objects for working with SI units like meter, second, as well as currencies and general units like percent.







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