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Face detection task


Download source and data from download page, open ./Face_Detection.ipynb and do task. It's easy.

Mark rules

Maximum mark for this task is 10 points:

  • Prepare data (1 points)
    • Student extracted positive and negative samples from data.
  • Classifier training (3 points)
    • Student add into model some layers.
    • Student ran fitting and validation accuracy exceeded 90%.
    • Student selected epoch with best validation loss and loaded this epoch weight.
  • FCNN model (2 points)
    • Student wrote fcnn model, copy_weight function and visualized activation heat map.
  • Detector (1 point)
    • Student wrote get_bboxes_and_decision_function and visualized predicted bboxes
  • Precision/recall curve (1 point)
    • Student implements precision/recall curve and plotted it.
  • Threshold (1 point)
    • Student find point for recall 0.85
    • Precision/recall graph should stop at recall=0.85
  • Detector score (1 point)
    • On test dataset detection score (in graph header) should be 0.85 or greater.


This repository consist of multiple files:

  • Face_Detection.ipynb -- main task, read and do.
  • -- script to download data for task, run automatically from main task. You don't need download data manually.
  • -- scores, which are using in main task.
  • -- graph plotting and image showing functions.
  • prepare_data.ipynb -- prepare data to train and test, you may run this script and repeat learning-test procedure to make sure that model haven't over-fitting.


Dataset, used in this task is processed FDDB dataset. Processing explained in ./Face_Detection.ipynb and defined in ./prepare_data.ipynb
