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Marketplace Builder

For quick prototyping or to learn how the Vultr Marketplace works, you can use the Vultr Marketplace Builder. It creates Vultr Marketplace snapshots with the correct version of cloud-init installed. Marketplace Builder can create snapshots for:

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 8
  • Debian 10
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


Marketplace Builder runs in bash or zsh. It has been tested on macOS, Ubuntu 20.04, and Windows using Ubuntu under WSL.

  1. Install HashiCorp Packer.

  2. Verify your workstation's IP address is in your Vultr API access control list.

  3. Publish your API key.

     $ export VULTR_API_KEY=<Your API Key>
  4. If you desire a debug log, export these two variables:

     $ export PACKER_LOG=1
     $ export PACKER_LOG_PATH=packer.log


  1. Clone this repository to your workstation.

     $ git clone
  2. Run the Marketplace Builder.

     $ cd vultr-marketplace/marketplace-builder
     $ ./

The Marketplace Builder prompts you to select one OS or build all snapshots in a batch. When finished, the script creates snapshots named MKT-<OS> <Date Time> in your Vultr account, ready to be added to the Vultr Marketplace.