PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards for Laravel, do force developers not to use bad design decisions that are supported by Laravel
composer require --dev vladyslavstartsev/laravel-strict-coding-standard
checks for functions that are declared in
- checks for usage of Laravel Facades (including Real-time facades)
- if not configured it will use default path for
instance atbootstrap/app.php
so for default Illuminate\Foundation\Application
instance use
<rule ref="LaravelStrictCodingStandard.Laravel.DisallowUseOfFacades"/>
to override, do this
<rule ref="LaravelStrictCodingStandard.Laravel.DisallowUseOfFacades">
<property name="laravelApplicationInstancePath" type="string" value=".nonDefaultFolder/application.php"/>
we need this instance, so we can get all Facades and Aliases that are potentially used in the app ( yes, this looks like dynamic code analysis, but that's the only way how to find out all Facades, if you have ideas how to do it statically, feel free to make PR)