ASP.NET Core 2.0 & Angular 5 (+) advanced starter - with Server-side prerendering (for Angular SEO)!
Updated to the latest Angular 5.0 - Note ServerTransferModule still in the works - fix coming soon
Angular SEO in action:
What is this repo? Live Demo here:
This repository is maintained by Angular and is meant to be an advanced starter for both ASP.NET Core 2.0 using Angular 5.0+, not only for the client-side, but to be rendered on the server for instant application paints (Note: If you don't need SSR read here on how to disable it).
This is meant to be a Feature-Rich Starter application containing all of the latest technologies, best build systems available, and include many real-world examples and libraries needed in todays Single Page Applications (SPAs).
This utilizes all the latest standards, no gulp, no bower, no typings, no manually "building" anything. NPM, Webpack and .NET handle everything for you!
- Features
- Getting Started
- Deployment
- Upcoming Features
- Application Structure
- Gotchas
- Special Thanks
- License
- Consulting & Training
These are just some of the features found in this starter!
ASP.NET 2.0 - VS2017 15.3 support now!
- Azure delpoyment straight from VS2017
- Built in docker support through VS2017
- RestAPI (WebAPI) integration
- SQL Database CRUD demo
- Swagger WebAPI documentation when running in development mode
- SignalR Chat demo! (Thanks to @hakonamatata)
Angular 5.0.0 :
- (Minimal) Angular-CLI integration
- This is to be used mainly for Generating Components/Services/etc.
- Usage examples:
ng g c components/example-component
ng g s shared/some-service
- Featuring Server-side rendering (Platform-Server, aka: "Universal")
- Faster initial paints, SEO (Search-engine optimization w Title/Meta/Link tags), social media link-previews, etc
- i18n internationalization support (via/ ngx-translate)
- Baked in best-practices (follows Angular style guide)
- Bootstrap3 (with ngx-bootstrap) - (can be rendered on the server!)
- Can be easily replaced with bootstrap4 (3 is provided for browser support)
- Bootstrap using SCSS / SASS for easy theming / styling!
- (Minimal) Angular-CLI integration
Webpack build system (Webpack 2)
- HMR : Hot Module Reloading/Replacement
- Production builds w/ AoT Compilation
Testing frameworks
- Unit testing with Jest (Going back to Karma soon)
- Typescript 2
- Codelyzer (for Real-time static code analysis)
- VSCode & Atom provide real-time analysis out of the box.
ASP.NET Core 2.0
- Integration with NodeJS to provide pre-rendering, as well as any other Node module asset you want to use.
- Microsoft Application Insights setup (for MVC & Web API routing)
- Client-side Angular2 Application Insights integration
- If you're using Azure simply install
npm i -S @markpieszak/ng-application-insights
as a dependencies. - Note: Make sure only the Browser makes these calls (usage info here)
- More information here: -
// Add the Module to your imports ApplicationInsightsModule.forRoot({ instrumentationKey: 'Your-Application-Insights-instrumentationKey' })
- If you're using Azure simply install
Looking for the older 2.x branch? Go here
- Make sure you have at least Node 6.x or higher (w/ npm 3+) installed!
- This repository uses ASP.Net Core 2.0, which has a hard requirement on .NET Core Runtime 2.0.0 and .NET Core SDK 2.0.0. Please install these items from here
Make sure you have .NET Core 2.0 installed and/or VS2017 15.3. VS2017 will automatically install all the neccessary npm & .NET dependencies when you open the project.
Simply push F5 to start debugging !
Note: If you get any errors after this such as module not found: boot.server
(or similar), open up command line and run npm run build:dev
to make sure all the assets have been properly built by Webpack.
Note: Make sure you have the C# extension & .NET Core Debugger installed.
The project comes with the configured Launch.json files to let you just push F5 to start the project.
# cd into the directory you cloned the project into
npm install && npm run build:dev && dotnet restore
# or yarn install
If you're running the project from command line with dotnet run
make sure you set your environment variables to Development (otherwise things like HMR might not work).
# on Windows:
# on Mac/Linux
- Fix HttpTransferCacheModule & ServerTransferModule to work with aspnet-engine
Update to use npm ngAspnetCoreEngine (still need to tweak a few things there)
Using dotnet publish
, when it's finished place the generated folder onto your server and use IIS to fire everything up.
git remote add azure https://[email protected]:443/my-angular2-site.git
// ^ get this from Azure (Web App Overview section - Git clone url)
git push --set-upstream azure master
Note: This application has WebAPI (our REST API) setup inside the same project, but of course all of this could be abstracted out into a completely separate project('s) ideally. .NET Core things are all done in the same project for simplicity's sake.
Root level files
Here we have the usual suspects found at the root level.
Front-end oriented files:
- NPM project dependencies & scripts.tsconfig
- TypeScript configuration (here we setup PATHs as well)webpack
- configuration files (modular bundling + so much more)karma
- configuration files (unit testing)protractor
- config files (e2e testing)tslint
- TypeScript code linting rules
Let's take a look at how this is structured so we can make some sense of it all!
With Angular Universal, we need to split our applicatoin logic per platform so if we look inside this folder, you'll see the 2 root files, that branch the entire logic for browser & server respectively.
- Boot.Browser.ts - This file starts up the entire Angular application for the Client/browser platform.
Here we setup a few things, client Angular bootstrapping.
You'll barely need to touch this file, but something to note, this is the file where you would import libraries that you only want being used in the Browser. (Just know that you'd have to provide a mock implementation for the Server when doing that).
- Boot.Server.ts - This file is where Angular platform-server serializes the Angular application itself on the .NET server within a very quick Node process, and renders it a string. This is what causes that initial fast paint of the entire application to the Browser, and helps us get all our SEO goodness ✨
Notice the folder structure here in ./ClientApp/
+ /ClientApp/
+ /app/
App NgModule - our Root NgModule (you'll insert Components/etc here most often)
AppComponent / App Routes / global css styles
* Notice that we have 2 dividing NgModules:
app.module.browser & app.module.server
You'll almost always be using the common app.module, but these 2 are used to split up platform logic
for situations where you need to use Dependency Injection / etc, between platforms.
Note: You could use whatever folder conventions you'd like, I prefer to split up things in terms of whether they are re-usable
"components" or routeable / page-like components that group together and organize entire sections.
++ > ++ > /components/
Here are all the regular Components that aren't "Pages" or container Components
++ > ++ > /containers/
These are the routeable or "Page / Container" Components, sometimes known as "Dumb" Components
++ > ++ > /shared/
Here we put all shared Services / Directives / Pipes etc
When adding new features/components/etc to your application you'll be commonly adding things to the Root NgModule (located
in /ClientApp/app/app.module.ts
), but why are there two other NgModules in this folder?
This is because we want to split our logic per Platform, but notice they both share the Common NgModule
named app.module.ts
. When adding most things to your application, this is the only
place you'll have to add in your new Component / Directive / Pipe / etc. You'll only occassional need to manually
add in the Platform specific things to either app.module.browser || app.module.server
To illustrate this point with an example, you can see how we're using Dependency Injection to inject a StorageService
that is different
for the Browser & Server.
// For the Browser (app.module.browser)
{ provide: StorageService, useClass: BrowserStorage }
// For the Server (app.module.server)
{ provide: StorageService, useClass: ServerStorage }
Just remember, you'll usually only need to worry about
, as that's where you'll be adding most of your applications new aspects!
As we pointed out, these are here for simplicities sake, and realistically you may want separate projects for all your microservices / REST API projects / etc.
We're utilizing MVC within this application, but we only need & have ONE Controller, named HomeController
. This is where our entire
Angular application gets serialized into a String, sent to the Browser, along with all the assets it needs to then bootstrap on the client-side, and become a full-blown SPA afterwards.
The short-version is that we invoke that Node process, passing in our Request object & invoke the boot.server
file, and we get back a nice object that we pass into .NETs ViewData
object, and sprinkle through out our Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
and /Views/Home/index.cshtml
A more detailed explanation can be found here: ng-AspnetCore-Engine Readme
// Prerender / Serialize application
var prerenderResult = await Prerenderer.RenderToString(
/* all of our parameters / options / boot.server file / customData object goes here */
ViewData["SpaHtml"] = prerenderResult.Html;
ViewData["Title"] = prerenderResult.Globals["title"];
ViewData["Styles"] = prerenderResult.Globals["styles"];
ViewData["Meta"] = prerenderResult.Globals["meta"];
ViewData["Links"] = prerenderResult.Globals["links"];
return View(); // let's render the MVC View
Take a look at the _Layout.cshtml
file for example, notice how we let .NET handle and inject all our SEO magic (that we extracted from Angular itself) !
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href="/" />
<!-- Title will be the one you set in your Angular application -->
<title>@ViewData["Title"] - AspNET.Core Angular 5.0.0 (+) starter</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
@Html.Raw(ViewData["Meta"]) <!-- <meta /> tags -->
@Html.Raw(ViewData["Links"]) <!-- <link /> tags -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/dist/vendor.css" asp-append-version="true" />
@Html.Raw(ViewData["Styles"]) <!-- <style /> tags -->
... etc ...
Our Views/Home/index.cshtml
simply renders the application and serves the bundled webpack files in it.
<script src="~/dist/vendor.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
@section scripts {
<script src="~/dist/main-client.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
Well now, your Client-side Angular will take over, and you'll have a fully functioning SPA. (But we gained all these great SEO benefits of being server-rendered) !
- This repository uses ASP.Net Core 2.0, which has a hard requirement on .NET Core Runtime 2.0.0 and .NET Core SDK 2.0.0. Please install these items from here
When building components in Angular 5 there are a few things to keep in mind.
, and other browser types - do not exist on the server - so using them, or any library that uses them (jQuery for example) will not work. You do have some options, if you truly need some of this functionality:- If you need to use them, consider limiting them to only your client and wrapping them situationally. You can use the Object injected using the PLATFORM_ID token to check whether the current platform is browser or server.
import { PLATFORM_ID } from '@angular/core'; import { isPlatformBrowser, isPlatformServer } from '@angular/common'; constructor(@Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId: Object) { ... } ngOnInit() { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { // Client only code. ... } if (isPlatformServer(this.platformId)) { // Server only code. ... } }
- Try to limit or avoid using
. It will slow down the server-side rendering process. Make sure to remove themngOnDestroy
in Components. - Also for RxJs timeouts, make sure to cancel their stream on success, for they can slow down rendering as well.
Don't manipulate the nativeElement directly. Use the Renderer2. We do this to ensure that in any environment we're able to change our view.
constructor(element: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2) {
this.renderer.setStyle(element.nativeElement, 'font-size', 'x-large');
- The application runs XHR requests on the server & once again on the Client-side (when the application bootstraps)
- Use a cache that's transferred from server to client (TODO: Point to the example)
- Know the difference between attributes and properties in relation to the DOM.
- Keep your directives stateless as much as possible. For stateful directives, you may need to provide an attribute that reflects the corresponding property with an initial string value such as url in img tag. For our native element the src attribute is reflected as the src property of the element type HTMLImageElement.
FAQ - Also check out the FAQ Issues label
Simply comment out the logic within HomeController, and replace @Html.Raw(ViewData["SpaHtml"])
with just your applications root
AppComponent tag ("app-root" in our case): <app-root></app-root>
You could also remove any
logic, and delete the boot.server, app.module.browser & app.module.server files, just make sure yourboot.browser
file points toapp.module
Check the Gotchas on how to use isPlatformBrowser()
You'll either want to remove SSR for now, or wait as support should be coming to handle platform-server rendering.
Note: If at all possible, try to avoid using jQuery or libraries dependent on it, as there are better, more abstract ways of dealing with the DOM in Angular (5+) such as using the Renderer, etc.
Yes, of course but there are a few things you need to setup before doing this. First, make sure jQuery
is included in webpack vendor file, and that you have a webpack Plugin setup for it. new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: 'jquery', jQuery: 'jquery' })
Now, make sure any "plugins" etc that you have, are only included in your boot.browser.ts
file. (ie: import 'slick-carousel';
In a Component you want to use jQuery, make sure to import it near the top like so:
import * as $ from 'jquery';
Always make sure to wrap anything jQuery oriented in Angular's isPlatformBrowser()
To support IE9 through IE11 open the polyfills.ts
file in the polyfills
folder and uncomment out the 'import polyfills' as needed.
Many thanks go out to Steve Sanderson (@SteveSandersonMS) from Microsoft and his amazing work on JavaScriptServices and integrating the world of Node with ASP.NET Core.
Also thank you to the many Contributors !
Check out our easier issues here
Nothing's ever perfect, but please let me know by creating an issue (make sure there isn't an existing one about it already), and we'll try and work out a fix for it! If you have any good ideas, or want to contribute, feel free to either make an Issue with the Proposal, or just make a PR from your Fork.
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Mark Pieszak
Check out www.DevHelp.Online for more info!
Contact us at [email protected], and let's talk about your projects needs.
Twitter: @MarkPieszak | Medium: @MarkPieszak