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Initial Commit of Tutorials in new layout
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- Decided to use a mono repo approach

Signed-off-by: Eric Eggert <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
yatil committed Jan 14, 2020
0 parents commit 71c9d15
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Showing 113 changed files with 5,563 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitmodules
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[submodule "_external/data"]
path = _external/data
url =
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# Code of Conduct

All documentation, code and communication under this repository are covered by the [W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct](
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Gemfile
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
source ''

gem 'github-pages'
gem 'jekyll-github-metadata'
gem 'jekyll-relative-links'
gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'
gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
gem 'jekyll-redirect-from'
gem 'jekyll-include-cache'
gem 'jekyll-remote-theme'
gem 'jekyll-paginate'
gem 'wai-website-plugin'
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# W3C WAI Tutorials

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions _config.yml
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# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely need to edit after that.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.

# Site settings
title: "Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)"
email: [email protected]
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
The Website of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative.
baseurl: "/wai-tutorials" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
username: w3c_wai
author: w3c_wai
- "_external"
- "Gemfile"
- "Gemfile.lock"
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- "w3c.json"
- ""

# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
toc_levels: 2..3
input: GFM
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highlighter: rouge
repository: w3c/wai-tutorials

ytkey: AIzaSyCiZ9uToWu9jb7BTx47NtzCvmGGXKXp8nI

remote_theme: w3c/wai-website-theme

path: ""
layout: "default"

- jekyll-seo-tag
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-redirect-from
- jekyll-include-cache
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-remote-theme
- wai-website-plugin
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions _config_staging.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _data/lang.json
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions _data/navigation.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
- name: Accessibility Fundamentals
- name: Introduction to Accessibility

This comment has been minimized.

Copy link

713Victor Jan 17, 2022


url: "/fundamentals/accessibility-intro/"
- name: Components of Web Accessibility
url: "/fundamentals/components/"
- name: Accessibility Principles
url: "/fundamentals/accessibility-principles/"
- name: Perspectives Videos
url: "/perspective-videos/"
- name: Keyboard Compatibility
url: "/perspective-videos/keyboard/"
- name: Colors with Good Contrast
url: "/perspective-videos/contrast/"
- name: Clear Layout and Design
url: "/perspective-videos/layout/"
- name: Text to Speech
url: "/perspective-videos/speech/"
- name: Large Links, Buttons, and Controls
url: "/perspective-videos/controls/"
- name: Video Captions
url: "/perspective-videos/captions/"
- name: Customizable Text
url: "/perspective-videos/customizable/"
- name: Voice Recognition
url: "/perspective-videos/voice/"
- name: Understandable Content
url: "/perspective-videos/understandable/"
- name: Notifications and Feedback
url: "/perspective-videos/notifications/"
- name: How People with Disabilities Use the Web
url: "/people-use-web/"
- name: Stories of Web Users
url: "/people-use-web/user-stories/"
- name: Diverse Abilities and Barriers
url: "/people-use-web/abilities-barriers/"
- name: Tools and Techniques
url: "/people-use-web/tools-techniques/"
- name: Older Users and Accessibility
url: "/older-users/"
- name: How WCAG 2 Applies
url: "/older-users/developing/"
- name: Literature Review
url: "/older-users/literature/"
- name: Accessibility, Usability, Inclusion
url: "/fundamentals/accessibility-usability-inclusion/"
- name: Planning & Policies
- name: Overview
url: "/planning/"
- name: Approaches for Interim Repairs
url: "/planning/interim-repairs/"
- name: Planning and Managing Accessibility
url: "/planning-and-managing/"
- name: Initiate
url: "/planning-and-managing/initiate/"
- name: Plan
url: "/planning-and-managing/plan/"
- name: Implement
url: "/planning-and-managing/implement/"
- name: Sustain
url: "/planning-and-managing/sustain/"
- name: Developing an Organizational Policy
url: "/planning/org-policies/"
- name: Involving Users for Better Accessibility
url: "/planning/involving-users/"
- name: International Laws & Policies
url: "/policies/"
- name: Design & Develop
- name: Overview
url: "/design-develop/"
- name: Tips for Writing
url: "/tips/writing/"
- name: Tips for Designing
url: "/tips/designing/"
- name: Tips for Developing
url: "/tips/developing/"
- name: Tutorials
url: ""
external: true
- name: Page Structure
url: "/tutorials/page-structure/"
- name: Page Regions
url: "/tutorials/page-structure/regions/"
- name: Labeling Regions
url: "/tutorials/page-structure/labels/"
- name: Headings
url: "/tutorials/page-structure/headings/"
- name: Content Structure
url: "/tutorials/page-structure/content/"
- name: Full Example
url: "/tutorials/page-structure/example/"
- name: "TODO: Menus"
url: ""
external: true
- name: Images
url: "/tutorials/images/"
- name: Image Concepts
url: "/tutorials/images/"
- name: Informative Images
url: "/tutorials/images/informative/"
- name: Decorative Images
url: "/tutorials/images/decorative/"
- name: Functional Images
url: "/tutorials/images/functional/"
- name: Images of Text
url: "/tutorials/images/textual/"
- name: Complex Images
url: "/tutorials/images/complex/"
- name: Example
url: "/tutorials/images/examples/2014-first-qtr/"
hide: true
- name: Groups of Images
url: "/tutorials/images/groups/"
- name: Image Maps
url: "/tutorials/images/imagemap/"
- name: Example
url: "/tutorials/images/examples/imagemap/"
hide: true
- name: 'An <code style="color: inherit;">alt</code> Decision Tree'
url: "/tutorials/images/decision-tree/"
- name: Tips and Tricks
url: "/tutorials/images/tips/"
- name: Tables
url: "/tutorials/tables/"
- name: Tables Concepts
url: "/tutorials/tables/"
- name: One Header
url: "/tutorials/tables/one-header/"
- name: Two Headers
url: "/tutorials/tables/two-headers/"
- name: "Complete “Table with header cells in the top row only” Example"
url: /tutorials/tables/examples/headertoprowfirstcol/
hide: true
- name: Irregular Headers
url: "/tutorials/tables/irregular/"
- name: Multi-level Headers
url: "/tutorials/tables/multi-level/"
- name: Caption & Summary
url: "/tutorials/tables/caption-summary/"
- name: Tips and Tricks
url: "/tutorials/tables/tips/"
- name: "TODO: Forms"
url: ""
external: true
- name: "TODO: Carousels"
url: ""
external: true

- name: Test & Evaluate
- name: Evaluation Overview
url: "/test-evaluate/"
- name: Easy Checks – A First Review
url: "/test-evaluate/preliminary/"
- name: Evaluation Tools
url: "/test-evaluate/tools/"
- name: Selecting Evaluation Tools
url: "/test-evaluate/tools/selecting/"
- name: List of Evaluation Tools
url: ""
external: true
- name: Conformance Evaluation
url: "/test-evaluate/conformance/"
- name: WCAG-EM Conformance Methodology
url: "/test-evaluate/conformance/wcag-em/"
- name: WCAG-EM Report Tool
url: ""
external: true
- name: Report Template
url: "/test-evaluate/report-template/"
- name: Using Combined Expertise
url: "/test-evaluate/combined-expertise/"
- name: Involving Users
url: "/test-evaluate/involving-users/"

- name: Teach & Advocate
- name: Overview
url: "/teach-advocate/"
- name: Make Presentations Accessible
url: "/teach-advocate/accessible-presentations/"
- name: Develop Accessibility Training
url: "/teach-advocate/accessibility-training/"
- name: Topics
url: "/teach-advocate/accessibility-training/topics/"
- name: Presentation Outlines
url: "/teach-advocate/accessibility-training/presentation-outlines/"
- name: Workshop Outline
url: "/teach-advocate/accessibility-training/workshop-outline/"
# - name: Presentations You Can Use
# url: "/teach-advocate/presentations-to-use/"
- name: Before and After Demo (BAD)
url: ""
external: true
- name: Contacting Inaccessible Websites
url: "/teach-advocate/contact-inaccessible-websites/"
- name: Business Case
url: "/business-case/"
- name: Bibliography
url: "/business-case/bibliography/"
# pages:
# - name: Social Factors
# url: "/business-case/social-factors/"
# - name: Technical Factors
# url: "/business-case/technical-factors/"
# - name: Financial Factors
# url: "/business-case/financial-factors/"
# - name: Legal & Policy Factors
# url: "/business-case/legal-policy-factors/"
# - name: Resources
# url: "/business-case/resources/"

- name: Standards/<wbr>Guidelines
- name: Standards Overview
url: "/standards-guidelines/"
- name: Web Content – WCAG
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/"
- name: "How to Meet WCAG 2 (Quick Reference)"
url: ""
external: true
- name: "At a Glance"
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/glance/"
- name: The Documents
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/docs/"
- name: New in 2.1
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/new-in-21/"
- name: Translations
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/translations/"
- name: "Applying to Non-Web ICT"
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/non-web-ict/"
- name: "Commenting"
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/commenting/"
- name: "Conformance Logos"
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/conformance-logos/"
- name: FAQ
url: "/standards-guidelines/wcag/faq/"
- name: Authoring Tools – ATAG
url: "/standards-guidelines/atag/"
- name: User Agents – UAAG
url: "/standards-guidelines/uaag/"
- name: WAI-ARIA
url: "/standards-guidelines/aria/"
- name: Evaluation – ACT & EARL
url: "/standards-guidelines/evaluation/"
- name: Accessibility Conformance Testing – ACT
url: "/standards-guidelines/act/"
- name: Evaluation and Report Language – EARL
url: "/standards-guidelines/earl/"
- name: Standards Harmonization is Essential
url: "/standards-guidelines/harmonization/"
- name: W3C Process for Developing Standards
url: "/standards-guidelines/w3c-process/"
- name: Referencing and Linking to Standards
url: "/standards-guidelines/linking/"
- name: Mobile Accessibility at W3C
url: "/standards-guidelines/mobile/"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _data/techniques.yml
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _data/translations.yml
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _data/wcag.yml
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _external/data
Submodule data added at 0ffcb5
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Binary file added content-images/wai-tutorials/tables/img-caption.png

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