ATTENTION! This script will not work until you change ALPC-BypassUAC.cpp#L171C2 for your personal Link (it must return a b64 of your C:\Windows\tasks\WinDrivers.msc
Lonely x64 binary to Bypass Win10 UAC utilizing ALPC (mmc) method with [command line] ! Tested on Win10 1809 and 1909
Usage: .\LonelyALPC-BypassUAC.exe "calc.exe && notepad.exe"
These commands will be run as SYSTEM Privileges
NOTES: Thanks to [DimopoulosElias] for the original exploit
I didn't implemented any powershell module with base64 encoding or binary unpacking.. the method which i'm utilizing at now is by using get-system.ps1 and executing it module via IEX from:
Also, i didn't binary unpacking or base64 enconding for the .msc file, which is ran by mmc.exe service. That .msc file after all is necessary to turn this service on to be accessible by our fake webserver and perform code execution.
EXAMPLE (Updated 08/12/2019):