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A modern Zsh/tmux, Vim and Homebrew centric setup for macOS and Linux

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CodeRabbit Dotfiles

CodeRabbit Neovim


Welcome to CodeRabbit optimized development environment that is well integrated with our stack.


We use chezmoi to manage CodeRabbit dotfiles in your home directory.

Automatic Setup

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Manual Setup

cd $HOME
chezmoi init [email protected]:coderabbitai/dotfiles.git
# show diff of changes that will be made
chezmoi diff
# If you are happy with the changes, apply away!
chezmoi apply -v

Please close and reopen the terminal to trigger first time install/updates.

Recommend using GitHub CLI for authenticating with GitHub. Run gh auth login. Alternatively, add SSH key to your GitHub account.

Git setup

Username and local settings

Provide username and email address by creating .gitconfig_local e.g.

  name = Harjot Gill
  email = [email protected]
   user = <github user name>
   token = <personal access token>

You can generate personal access token for GitHub to use HTTP API. Also, it's useful to add this token to your $HOME/.netrc file. Run - echo 'machine login <user> password <token>' >> $HOME/.netrc

GitHub org cloning script

To clone CodeRabbit, run: coderabbitai $HOME/work. This step is performed automatically on installation.

Git pull all repos script

To update all repos in a directory, run: $HOME/work/coderabbitai. This step is performed automatically on auto-updates.

Preparing your terminal

  • Nerd fonts: Please enable a nerd font such as Hack Nerd Font in your terminal profile to see icons properly when using nvim in terminal mode.
  • Terminal colors: See the section about colors.


Homebrew is the default package manager for this environment. You can provide private packages by adding them to: $HOME/.brew_local


This environment is set to autoupdate every 7 days by default. You can trigger autoupdates manually by calling autoupdate.zsh --force You can provide custom autoupdate commands by adding them to: $HOME/.autoupdate_local.zsh


You can provide additional zshrc settings by adding them to: $HOME/.zshrc_local



  • Fuzzy menus: Fuzzy menus are available for command completion (press TAB) menus and command history (press ^r).
  • Vi mode: Press ESC to enter Vi NORMAL mode. Cool tip - while in normal mode, press vv to switch to visual mode (it will open nvim editor) and in that mode you can use GitHub Copilot to build sophisticated commands using AI!
  • Prompt flags: Type yazpt_explain_git to understand the meaning of various flags in the prompt.
  • Forgit: You can use forgit as an interactive frontend for various git commands. E.g. try git forgit log.
  • iTerm2 integration: On macOS, please install iTerm2 shell integration to use nice features such as navigating marks in prompt.


tmux Menu tmux Fuzzy Menu

tmux sessions are automatically started as part of .zshrc execution. You will be shown an option to join an existing detached session if they exist, otherwise a new session will be created and attached to.


  • Prefix: C-a or C-b
  • Fuzzy menu: Press C-a C-Space to access fuzzy menu for quick tmux management and shortcuts to various commands.
  • tmux menu: Press F12 to access tmux session/window/pane management menu.
  • Nested tmux sessions (e.g. remote ssh): Press F1 to suspend/unsuspend local tmux.
  • Smug: Define and orchestrate tmux sessions with smug. e.g. use smug to start/stop local dev Kubernetes cluster and so on.
  • Fuzzy search tmux terminal buffer: Press C-a C-/
  • Vi bindings are enabled in tmux copy mode
  • Facebook PathPicker: Press C-a C-P to select any line from scrollback buffer (e.g. git status) and use those in another command.
  • Urlview: Press C-a C-U to select any url in scrollback buffer and open in browser.


This environment is highly tuned towards providing a modern neovim/vim setup for development using modern languages such as Golang, Typescript etc.

Fuzzy Menu



You can provide additional vimrc settings by adding them to: $HOME/.vimrc_local. You can also use FuzzyMenu (<space><space>) to tweak and persist local settings. In addition, you can provide additional vim plugins by adding them to $HOME/.vimrc_plugins.

Several colorschemes are bundled and gruvbox is chosen by default. You can override colorscheme by providing let colorscheme = <colorscheme> in your .vimrc_local file.

See .vimrc file for available colorschemes. Also see ~/.config/nvim/init.vim for Neovim specific settings.

Discoverability of commands and plugins

  • Landing page for new tabs contains several useful links that help with discoverability.
  • Press <space><space> (double space) or Shift + LeftMouse click to open a contextual FuzzyMenu for the word under cursor or selection.

AI-based autocompletion

  • GitHub Copilot - Type :Copilot setup in Neovim to set up.
  • CodeGPT - Just highlight the code and press <space><space> to see CodeGPT options in the FuzzyMenu. You must provide OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable in your .zshrc_local to use this feature.


If you have LanguageTool Premium, you can provide LANGTOOL_HTTP_URI, LANGTOOL_USERNAME and LANGTOOL_API_KEY environment variables to use the language server in Neovim.


Unlike nvim which allows setting themes easily via .vimrc_local, color themes for terminal interface are spread across multiple settings.

  • Terminal theme -
    • macOS: For iTerm2, the option will be provided to install bundled profile that contains font/color settings. If you do not wish to install the profile, then the colors will be set via terminal escape codes unless SET_TERMINAL_COLORS is set to false in your .zshrc_local.
    • Linux: Colors will be set automatically using terminal escape codes unless SET_TERMINAL_COLORS is set to false in your .zshrc_local. Alternatively, you can install default color profile using $HOME/sw/assets/ Make sure to set SET_TERMINAL_COLORS to false in your .zshrc_local if you would like to use terminal's color profiles.
  • tmux theme - See .tmux.conf.settings for example configuration and override it in your personal .tmux.conf_local file. The tmux theme configures the tmux status line and not the terminal itself.
  • bat theme (cat replacement) - Environment variable BAT_THEME sets the theme. See bat --list-themes to get the list. You can override this theme in your .zshrc_local file. Bat is used extensively for fzf previews, git pager (delta), less command filter and so on.
  • FZF colors - Get and source color schemes from base16-fzf in your $HOME/.zshrc_local.
  • LS_COLORS - We use vivid to set the themes. Run vivid themes to get the list. You can override this theme in your .zshrc_local file.
  • Git pager - See .gitconfig_themes to see the available themes. You can override them in your local .gitconfig_local.
  • Fast Syntax Highlighting (zsh) - You can run fast-theme -l to get the list. To set the theme, first, override FAST_WORK_DIR environment variable in your .zshrc and point it to $HOME/.config/fsh_local. Next, run fast-theme <theme> to switch the theme.

Note: Currently all these settings are configured to match gruvbox-dark color palette. But it's pretty easy to override them to match onedark or Nord


  • Slack Gruvbox - Paste this in your DM to Slackbot and click the Switch sidebar theme button. gruvbox dark #282828,#3c3836,#ebdbb2,#1d2021,#3e313c,#ebdbb2,#689d6a,#fb4934

Managing *_local override files

You can use vcsh utility to version local files and sync them across machines.


A modern Zsh/tmux, Vim and Homebrew centric setup for macOS and Linux






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  • Shell 83.5%
  • Vim Script 16.1%
  • Python 0.4%