That's a simple calculator bot made with errbot lib that make math basic operations like sum, subtraction, multiplication and division.
CalcBOT: i'm very stressed, it means that if you ask me for a repeated result, independently the arguments you give me, i won't say it again.
To run follow the steps below:
- Clone this repository with
or download that with the download button in the repo; - Install a virtualenv to save lib references in the project folder with
python -m venv virtualenv
or, if your python is 3 and your system recognize that python is in a diff version of python3:python3 -m venv virtualenv
(if that command return a long message, installpython3-venv
or your system package manager:D
); - Activate the virtualenv with
source virtualenv/bin/activate
; - Install all repo python lib requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
; - Run it with
And enjoy, it's running :D!
Obs.: to cancel the instance press CTRL+C.
You can run the following commands in bot cmd:
COMMAND | Example | Description |
sum num1 num2 | sum 1 2 | Return the sum number 1 and number 2. |
sub num1 num2 | sub 1 2 | Return the subtraction number 1 and number 2. |
mult num1 num2 | mult 1 2 | Return the multiplication number 1 and number 2. |
div num1 num2 | div 1 2 | Return the division number 1 and number 2. |
show sum results | show sum results | Show the results of all previous sum operations. |
show sub results | show sub results | Show the results of all previous subtraction operations. |
show mult results | show mult results | Show the results of all previous multiplication operations. |
show div results | show div results | Show the results of all previous division operations. |
Yep, i know that's a simple project, but it doesn't means that's not fun! If you liked the idea, give a star to the repo :D!