Clair de Lune by Debussy example
Very Dreamified break beat example
Audio examples using InceptionV3 model
Small data set (≈4.6gb):
wget && unzip
Note about GPU usage:
The quickest way to get Tensorflow running on GPU is with a docker container as suggested here. The following are links to the required software and instructions on how to install them.
Requirements for GPU:
Build docker images:
chmod +x && ./
Before spinning up the containers, have a look at the docker-compose.yml file. If your machine doesn't have an Nvidia GPU, you will need to comment out the devices being passed into the container. Also set the memory for the container appropriately.
To start up the Jupyter server run:
docker-compose up -d && sudo docker-compose logs -f
Then follow the link with token, example link:
To stop the Jupyter server run:
docker-compose kill
Note: Tensorflow's Docker image uses Python3.8